Thursday, October 31, 2019

Do the potential advantages of GM food outweigh possible drawbacks Essay

Do the potential advantages of GM food outweigh possible drawbacks - Essay Example With this in mind, it is therefore vital that we understand genetic modification as it relates to our food products, in order to explore more fully the science and controversy surrounding its risks and benefits in our world today. Using this information, we can then make an educated decision as to whether the sale and use of such products would be to our gain or to our detriment. Background First, it is vital that we understand what the words â€Å"genetically modified food† actually mean to the general public and to the scientific community. â€Å"Genetically modified†, or GM, food, is a food crop that has had its genetic code, as designated by the DNA of the plant, altered in some way that makes it different from the original food crop (Forman, 2009). The other commonly heard term GMO refers to a genetically modified organism. This is slightly different from a GM food crop in that it is a wider term. GMO can be any kind of genetically modified product, but the term is most often used in reference to food product organisms, such as soybeans that have been altered to resist colder climates or bacteria that have been designed to be useful in the manufacture of cheese (Whitman, 2000). The sale and human consumption of genetically modified food crops is generally more controversial than the usage of genetically modified organisms in food manufacture, as such organisms are used only in the manufacturing process and are not present in the final consumer product (Forman, 2009). In the approximately fifteen years that genetic modification have been in practice for food and consumer goods, there have been three major tiers of progress. The first level was changes to food at a level generally unnoticeable to the consumer. This included changes to products that primarily affect the growers, such as giving the plants insecticide resistance or a lengthier period of ripeness. While this tier was the only one in effect, most consumers were unconcerned about gen etic modification and there seemed to be little conflict. The second level, however, gained much more widespread coverage. This stage started to involve changes to product that were visible all the way down to the consumer level, such as altering colour and nutritional content. The newest and next generation of genetically modified foods is currently in the research phase, and primarily focuses on medicination uses for GMO. This involves the creation of pharmaceutically-active food crops, which could be designed to contain vaccines or medicines for developing nations (Magana-Gomez and Calderon de la Barca, 2009). All three of these categories are currently ongoing, and all have a wide variety of both helpful and harmful possibilities. Risks and Concerns One major concern for many consumers and companies that purchase food products is the relative newness of the genetic modification process (Forman, 2009). While most produce and meat that we eat today is already greatly modified from its â€Å"wild† phenotype to make it more palatable, have better yields, or for myriad other reasons, the traditional breeding methods used to produce these crops have been in use for hundreds and even thousands of years. The scientific community generally considers such methods proven safe by the basic fact that they are still in use after all this time with no serious detrimental effects on the human

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Organic food - Agriculture Essay Example for Free

Organic food Agriculture Essay Ever wondered why organic foods are more expensive? Why organic foods are kept separately from the other food in a grocery store? Why some produce has special labels? The food all looks the same on the outside. An apple marked organic looks the same as any other apple in the produce section of the store. The difference is not the outward appearance but how the apple was grown and processed. The word organic gives the impression that the food will be safer and more nutritious to eat than food without the organic label. Many scientific studies have been done to find if there is a significant difference in safety and nutrition. The studies all conclude the same information. Organically grown foods are not any more nutritious or safer for consumption than conventionally grown, non-organic foods. Many people are not clear regarding how organic and non-organic also known as conventionally grown food is grown in the United States. Organically grown food is grown and processed using no synthetic chemicals, such as fertilizers or pesticides (Environmental Protection Agency, 2009). Pesticides derived from natural sources, such as biological pesticides, can be used in growing and producing organically grown food (Environmental Protection Agency, 2009). Biological pesticides are bacteria or fungi that are applied to the plant to control bugs (Environmental Protection Agency, 2009). If raising livestock, the animals eat organic animal food (American Progress, 2008). Organic farming does not have adverse effects on animals and people. Using biological pesticides and fertilizers does not leave toxins or harmful residues in the environment (American Progress, 2008). These types of pesticides and fertilizers are considered to be environmentally friendly, unlike non-organic farming. Non-organic or conventionally grown food is food grown with chemical fertilizers to promote plant growth. Insecticides are used to reduce pests and disease. Chemical herbicides are applied to soil to prevent and kill weeds. The animals are given antibiotics when sick. Growth hormones and medications are given to livestock to prevent disease and spur growth (Mayo Clinic, 2009). The two methods of farming are very different regarding farming techniques. Farming techniques are the main factor that contributes to a food classification as organic or non-organic. Organic farming techniques are one reason the cost is higher than conventionally grown food. Organic farming uses crop rotation (American Progress, 2008). This is growing one type of food, then harvesting that food and planting a different crop in the same place. Crop rotation helps keep the soil fertile. Organic farmers rely on the spreading of mulch or manure to keep weeds down (Mayo Clinic, 2009). Organic farmers may use methods such a hand weeding as opposed to using herbicides sprayed on the entire crop. Organic farmers may use beneficial insects and birds to keep pests from destroying crops (American Progress, 2008). Organic farming is much like farming before all the technological advancements in farming that is used today in conventional farming. Organic farming is designed to reduce pollution and conserve soil and water (American Progress, 2008). Either way a farmer chooses to grow food, the food still has to pass all standards set up by the United States government. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has set standards all food producers must adhere to and pass whether organically or conventionally grown. Food must be safe before it is sold to consumers. The National Organic Program (NOP) develops, implements, and administers national production, handling, and labeling standards for organic agricultural products. The NOP also accredits the certifying agents, both foreign and domestic, who inspect organic production and handling operations to certify that they meet USDA standards (United States Department of Agriculture, 2010). The Organic Foods Production Act (OFPA) and the NOP assure consumers that the organic agricultural products they purchase are produced, processed, and certified to consistent national organic standards. The labeling requirements of the NOP apply to raw, fresh products and processed products that contain organic agricultural ingredients. Agricultural products that are sold, labeled, or represented as organic must be produced and processed in accordance with the NOP standards (Agriculture Marketing Service, 2010). If the food passes all the criteria, the food can legally carry an organic label. Labels are an important part of correctly marketing organic food. All food has to be classified and labeled before it can be sold for consumption whether organic or non-organic. Before a product can carry the organic label, it must pass all the USDA guidelines. Products that are completely organic or made of all organic ingredients are considered 100% organic. Examples of completely organic products are single-ingredient foods, such as fruits, vegetables, eggs. These type foods are labeled 100% organic. These foods can carry a USDA organic seal (Mayo Clinic, 2009). Food that contains organic ingredients but also have other ingredients that may not be organic are considered 95% organic (Agricultural Marketing Service, 2008). An example of this type of food is cereal. Manufacturers and farmers may use the word organic on the product label if the food contains more than 70% organic ingredients (Agricultural Marketing Service, 2008). The label is not the USDA label but the manufacturer’s label. An example of this type of food is a soup that has a manufacturer label boasting it has organic ingredients. Foods containing less than 70% organic ingredients cannot use the word organic on their product label (Agricultural Marketing Service, 2008). The USDA issues heavy penalties for misrepresenting a product as organic. Natural food is not organic even though the two are usually within the same section in a market. Natural food is a term that may confuse people. Natural food does not have strict labeling standards set up by the USDA. Thus, many products can carry a natural food label. It would be easy to misconstrue natural food as organic. By definition, natural food is food that has undergone no or minimal processing and contains no additives such as preservatives or artificial coloring (Encarta, 2009). Natural food is the way the food is processed after it has been grown. Organic and non-organic food is defined according to how it was grown and then processed. The quality of food is still the issue for natural, organic, and non-organic when deciding what to buy. The quality of the food is one of the main issues between organic and conventionally grown food. The concern about conventionally grown food is if the food contains chemicals or chemical residue. Many studies have been done on organic and conventional food. Conventionally grown food does contain trace amounts of residue from the chemicals used in producing the food. Thoroughly washing produce with water and scrubbing before consuming reduces the residue on the fruit or vegetable (Mayo Clinic, 2009). According to the studies, there is no difference as far as taste. Taste is subjective to the growing conditions, season, and if a food is at its freshest point (Mayo Clinic, 2009). Taste is, of course, a matter of opinion. Something that studies can measure is the nutritional value of food. Many studies have been done comparing the nutritional value of organic and conventionally grown food. The studies have shown that there is no conclusive evidence to prove that organic food is more nutritious than is conventionally grown food (Mayo Clinic, 2009). The USDA, even though it certifies the food, does not claim organic foods are safer or more nutritious than conventional food (Mayo Clinic, 2009). An organic facts site states the following about organic and conventionally grown foods, â€Å"There is no evidence to prove that organic food is healthier than non organic food. People prefer organic food because they feel it is safer than conventional food as chemicals are not used in its production (Organic Facts, 2010). † Study after study does not prove organic food safer or more nutritious than conventionally grown food. Nutrition is not the only issue at hand. The controversy lies in the growing methods between organic and conventional farming. The issue should deal more with depleting the soil of its minerals and the chemicals washing off into the water supplies. The labels are added to organic food so that consumers have a choice. A consumer can easily identify organic products by the labels. When at the supermarket, look over the organic section. Do not worry that one fruit or vegetable tastes better than the other. Do not ask if one is more nutritious than the other. What should be asked, do I want to help conserve the environment? References Agricultural Marketing Service. (2010). Agricultural Marketing Service – National Organic Program. Retrieved January 14, 2010, from http://www. ams. usda. gov/AMSv1. 0/NOP American Progress. (2008). Organic vs. Conventional Foods-The Gloves Come Off. Retrieved January 13, 2010, from http://www. americanprogress. org/issues/2008/09/organic_green. html Encarta. (2009). natural food definition – Dictionary – MSN Encarta. Retrieved January 14, 2010, from http://www. encarta. msn. com/dictionary_1861696699/natural_food.html Environmental Protection Agency. (2009). Organic Farming/Agriculture/US EPA. Retrieved January 14, 2010, from http://www. epa. gov/oecaagct/torg. html Mayo Clinic. (2009). Organic Foods: Are they safer? More Nutritious? Retrieved January 13, 2010, from http://www. mayoclinic. com/health/organic-food/NU00255 Organic Facts. (2010). Difference Between Organic and Natural Food | Organic Food Basics | Organic Food. Retrieved January 14, 2010, from http://www. organicfacts. net/organic-food/organic-food-basics/difference-between-organic-and-natural-food. html.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Fiscal And Monetary Policy Economics Essay

Fiscal And Monetary Policy Economics Essay Like the Economics for Dummies states, anti-recessionary economic policies come in two flavors: Fiscal Policy and Monetary Policy. Monetary policys technique is to increase the money supply and lowers interest rates. When interest rates are lowered, more people are about to access loans, buy houses, and increase purchasing power. Fiscal Policy involves lowering taxes and increasing government spending so that the economy will have more after tax money. Fiscal Policy Expansionary and contractionary are two types of fiscal policy. Expansionary policy involves raising government expenditures and lowering taxes so the government budget deficit can grow or the surplus to fall. In 2011, Japan suffered from a natural disaster. The north east area of the country was struck by a tsunami causing their country to endure financial issues. Japan used expansionary fiscal policy to help get them out of that terrible economic situation. Expansionary fiscal policy helped Japan by raising their private consumption growth. Contractionary fiscal policy is the opposite of expansionary policy. Government expenditures will be decreased and taxes will be raised to help the budget deficit or surplus. The Role of Government Budgeting One of the main tools of fiscal policy is the federal budget. Aggregate demand is affected by the government expenditures and taxes affect investing and consuming. The effects of government expenditure and tax revenues are important in the aggregate demand equation because they can cause AD increase or decrease. Government expenditures include transfer payments, purchases of goods and services, and interest payments on government debt Swanenberg. Tax revenues are brought in from social security, indirect taxes, income tax, and corporate taxes. When the amount of taxes brought in is above expenditure expectations, this will factor to a budget surplus. Fiscal Policy Pros and Cons Fiscal policy is the usage of government spending and the use of taxes to control the economy. As defined by Investopedia, fiscal policy is the means by which a government adjusts its level of spending in order to monitor and influence a nations money supply, (2009). Whenever the government makes a decision on what service and good to buy, how much to tax on said good or service, or the payment relegations dispersed, the government is exercising the fiscal policy. The fiscal policy is mostly used to show how government spending and taxation affects the aggregate economy levels. The fiscal policy really was not used as much until after World War II. When there is a surplus in the government budget, (revenue is higher than spending), the fiscal policy is a contradiction whereas when there is a deficit in the budget, (spending is higher than the budget), the fiscal policy is defined as being expansionary, as stated by the Library of Economics and Liberties (Weil 2008). The Library of Ec onomics and Liberties also states, when there is a deficit in the fiscal policy, economists focus more on the difference in the deficit and not the levels of the deficit, (Weil 2008). The fiscal policy however is not perfect. Just like everything in nature, the fiscal policy has its strengths and weakness. According to Dr. Wood, one main strength about the fiscal policy is that since it is basically government ran, it has good stability when used properly in the economy (Wood 2009). Contrary to monetary policy, the fiscal policy focuses on one area instead of the economy as a whole which can result in less mistakes and less headaches. Government interaction aids the fiscal policy by helping with resource allocation. As mentioned before, the fiscal policy is not perfect. Because the fiscal policy deals with the government, there may be little to no room for flexibility, (Wood 2009). An example would be, the government cant decide to raise taxes to compensate government spending. David Weil has stated that, fiscal policy also changes the burden of future taxes, (Weil 2008). The fiscal policy can sometimes result in the domino effect, meaning having one problem can cause more problems, which can result in another problem, and so on. The fiscal policy is usually only implemented once a year so this itself can be a weakness. One reason is because the government may be funding a project, such as a highway being built, and may not be finished in the allotted time, thus causing a problem in government spending. As of October 2012, Forbes has elucidated that the fiscal policy is not as effective as it once was by stating, the Central Bank cant lower its interest rates, (Smith 2012). Smith also goes on to state that, if the government steps in and borrows lots of money then the rate of interest will tend to rise, (Smith 2012). Monetary Policy After the Great Depression, market economies learned that they were not adjusting to economic downturns quickly enough. The lack of response was one of the causes of long-lasting economic crises. Therefore the government started to stick its hand in the economy to keep it from spiraling out of control using fiscal policy. When GDP contracts, the government spends more, and taxes less, which gets the economy growing. Another form of government macroeconomics is monetary policy and it is practiced by the Federal Reserve Bank. The Fed fiddles with the money supply to keep the economy in between inflation and recession. Back in the 1960s President Johnson had to increase government spending due to the Vietnam War. Economists believed as the President kept spending money, it would lead to inflation. The inflation would be caused by an economy that is already stable, plus increased government spending, which only creates higher prices and aggregate supply will be limited. The Federal Reserve Bank and monetary policy was then instituted. Its job is to make the necessary corrections in the economy that the government will not make. The Fed is a private sector. The Federal Reserve Bank affects the economys rate of interest. Our central bank increases the amount of money circulating in the economy because the higher quantity of something decreases its price. With a lower price of money, also called a lower interest rate, more people will be willing to borrow money, which means they spend more money in turn giving the economy a boost. The only problem is some economists believe it will cause prices to spike quickly. So out of fear of inflation, the Fed decreases the amount of money circulating in the economy which raises the price of money, or raises the interest rate. Higher interest rates mean less borrowing, which means less spending, which slows the economy down. Now the fear is the economy will fall into a recession so the Fed lowers interest rates again. The Fed raises the interest rate out of fear of inflation which then causes Recession. The Fed lowers the interest rate out of fear of recession which then leads to inflation. The Fed controls the money supply, which increases or decreases interest rates that can potentially boost or slow an economy and the Fed must keep a good balance because one direction is recession and the other is inflation. Overall monetary policy plays a big part in our economy, without it there would be a lot of confusion in the business world. In particular, the main one would be the banking system. The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) is the body thats responsible for most of the monetary policy decisions that are made. Monetary Policy has to do with recession and inflation which is very important in our economy. Another important fact about monetary policy is aggregate supply and demand. Monetary policy affects them deeply depending on the economies input, output, and rate of inflation. Strengths and Weakness of Monetary Furthermore, monetary policy that is speedy and flexible and somewhat isolated from Political pressure. It doesnt raise inflation value of money by weaken its purchasing Power. Whenever inflation advance faster than expected, they may sell government bonds to take money out of circulation. This also can minimize access to credit and slow consumer spending. The decisions they had made really had an effective impact on our economy. Monetary policy has stable prices which is keeping inflation low, it also quality business and households to make financial decisions without worrying about sudden unexpected prices increasing. The long term enable policy makers assess. The best policy tends to seek between these short- and long- term goals. Lower interest rates to expand the money supply and stem rising unemployment Rates during recession. Although the weaknesses practicing monetary policy cause the central bank to lose control of currency valuation, it wouldnt be possible for interest rate s. It also devalues the currency; further more monetary policy can achieve low inflation in the long run and affect economic output and employment in the short run. Sustainable Low inflation and economic growth off disagree. When inflationary pressures decrease, the unemployment rate may advance for a short period as the pace of the economy slows. It also can take up to months or even an year maybe even longer to have the intected effect. Conclusion Monetary and Fiscal policy both have their pros and cons. Fiscal policy can result in a nasty domino effect causing one problem to make another and repeat. Fiscal can also have issues with time lags. Although monetary policy is not very effective in a recession, it is flexible and works well to slow down the economy. Many prefer fiscal over monetary because its brings low taxes and low interest rates.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Comparing A Thousand Acres and King Lear :: comparison compare contrast essays

A Thousand Acres and King Lear: A New Twist When Jane Smiley wrote A Thousand Acres, she consciously made the story parallel to Shakespeare's King Lear for several reasons. The novel's characters and basic storyline are almost direct parallels to King Lear, but Smiley's dissatisfaction with the traditional interpretation of King Lear is showcased in her modern day version (Berne 236). The story of the Cook family is almost a carbon copy of the saga of Lear's family. The ruler, or father, possesses so much power that he is driven to insanity. Both divide up their kingdoms and land, giving the largest portion to the most "loving" daughter: "In spite of that inner clang, I tried to sound agreeable. 'It's a good idea.' Rose said, 'It's a great idea.' Caroline said, 'I don't know.'" (Smiley 19). In each family, one daughter, the youngest, rebels against her father's wishes and is not given any land. Cordelia: Nothing, my lord. Lear: Nothing? Cordelia: Nothing. Lear: Nothing will come of nothing: speak again. Cordelia: Unhappy that I am, I cannot heave My heart into my mouth. I love your majesty/ According to my bond; nor more nor less. (Shakespeare I. i. 89-94) Shortly after giving up his power, the father realizes that he is nothing without it and appears to be slowly becoming insane. In both instances, the father, in a crazed moment, wanders off and puts himself in a life-threatening situation. In the end the youngest daughter comes to the fathers' rescue. With so many basic plot similarities, Smiley manages to convey a new take on an old-fashioned story. At the end of King Lear, Lear traditionally is believed to be a changed man. Smiley doesn't buy into this common belief; therefore Larry Cook remains a static character throughout the novel. He never changes his attitude towards his possessions, his daughters and his land. Another difference that contributes to Smiley's new interpretation is the point of view from which the story is told. King Lear is told from a strictly male point of view. A Thousand Acres is told through the viewpoint of Ginny, Smiley's parallel to Goneril. Through Ginny's self-revelation, the reader is made aware of many circumstances that would cause a daughter to hate her father. Smiley believes that Lear's daughters must have had some reason for hating him. This is why, in her novel, she includes a childhood of incest.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Importanceof Knowledge Based Reporting

In order for journalist to effectively integrate the aforementioned procedures and come up with substantive articles while covering a news story, they have to be well informed and knowledgeable. In writing news articles that concern various aspects of the economy or the business sector, journalist should at least have some background information on how the economy works. This will enable the journalist to come up with accurate and informed explanations and analysis of the subject being covered.In addition, being knowledgeable will enable the journalist draw a connection on the economy and how it affects or relates to the audience. Another example where journalist are required to be knowledgeable is in writing business related articles. In this case, journalist may be required to interview a professional in the field of business. The journalist needs to have some knowledge in this filed in order to know the questions to ask (Sack, 2012). In writing features, journalist who are not kno wledgeable and well versed with the subject they re addressing are vulnerable to manipulation by the sources they use.For instance, experts and professionals that journalist interview may not be passionate about the pursuit of knowledge or they may have their own agenda they are trying to advance. Having some knowledge in the basic concepts pertaining the issue being addressed could be helpful in questioning and raising skepticism on the answers provided by the respondent (Sack, 2012). Works Cited Sack, J. (2012). Journalism. New York: Metropolitan Books / Henry Holt and co.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019


Hamilton begins by highlighting the common misunderstanding that mythology depicts the blissful state of man in his original harmony with nature. On the contrary, Hamilton notes, the lives of ancient people were not romantic and beautiful, but full of hardship, disease, and violence. For Hamilton, the Greek myths are remarkable In that they show how far the Greeks, an ancient clvlllzatlon, had advanced beyond a primitive state of savagery and brutality. By the time Homer wrote his epic, the Iliad, a new way of looking at the world had come into being.According to Hamilton, this new erspective is critically important, revealing a great deal not only about ancient Greece but about modern America as well†as so much of our own culture comes directly from the Greeks. One of the most important aspects of the Greek worldview was that it was the first to put humans at the center of the universe. Unlike the animal deities of the Egyptians and Mesopotamians, the gods of the Greeks are hu man in form. Not only do they possess human physical characteristics, but they embody the emotional flaws of humans as well.Unlike the gods of other ancient civilizations, Greek gods are not infinitely omniscient and omnipotent, manifesting ypical human foibles such as philandering, feasting and drinking, and obsessive Jealousy. To the Creeks, the life of the gods so closely resembled human life that the gods felt real and tangible, rather than Incomprehensible and remote. In this way, Hamilton argues, the myths of the Greeks reflect a view of the universe that acknowledges the mystery and beauty of humanity.Even the most magical of Greek myths contain real-world elements: the supernatural Hercules lives in the very real city of Thebes, and the goddess Aphrodite is born in a spot any ancient tourist could visit, off the island of Cythera. In general, Greek myths involve less strange and frightening magic than the myths of other ancient civilizations. In this more rational world, ind ividuals become heroes by virtue of bravery and strength rather than supernatural powers.Hamilton contends that this revolutionary way of thinking about the world elevates humans and the worth of their abilities, making It a far less terrifying place In which to live. Hamilton points out a downside to this rational view of the supernatural†Ilke humans, the gods are often unpredictable. They do not always operate on the highest moral grounds, and they get angry and jealous, ometimes doing terrible things like exacting vengeance or calling for sacrifices.Even though Greek myth lacks wizards and demonic spellcasters, there are still plenty of horrible magic creatures†the snake-haired Gorgons, for Instance†that appear to be relics of that older, primitive world. In the end, however, as Hamilton points out, the Greek hero always manages to defeat these-creatures. Hamilton By vandad91 of hardship, disease, and violence. For Hamilton, the Greek myths are remarkable in tha t they show how far the Greeks, an ancient civilization, had advanced beyond a ealousy.To the Greeks, the life of the gods so closely resembled human life that the gods felt real and tangible, rather than incomprehensible and remote. In this way, about the world elevates humans and the worth of their abilities, making it a far less terrifying place in which to live. Hamilton points out a downside to this rational view of the supernatural†like humans, the gods are often unpredictable. They do not always operate on the highest moral grounds, and they get angry and Jealous, horrible magic creatures†the snake-haired Gorgons, for instance†that appear to be

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Gcse English Poetry Essays

Gcse English Poetry Essays Gcse English Poetry Essay Gcse English Poetry Essay Essay Topic: W H auden Poems The two poems that I will be analysing are Stop all the Clocks by W. H. Auden and The Vet by Gillian Clarke. My discussion will be based on the theme of the poems and look at how the poets used form and language to help his readers understand and make meaning out of the poem. STOP ALL THE CLOCKS THEME The theme of this poem is about grief. The poet takes his readers through a simple but complex journey that explains the different stages of grief that a person feels when a loved one dies. The poem reveals the emotional upheaval that death can cause. The grief felt is carefully illustrated by the poet in the form and language he uses throughout the poem which has a strict rhyming scheme of AABB throughout the 4 stanzas. FORM AND LANGUAGE The form and language that was used by the poet to describe the feeling and mood of the bereaved was spread throughout. The first stanza simply showed the first stage of grief and that the bereaved is coming to terms with the death of a loved one. For example, he said stop all the clocks which signified that he wanted to focus on what had just happened and does not want to forget his love as people do over a period of time. : Again he said, cut off the telephone meaning he wanted to be alone without communicating to anyone. This is because she wanted to concentrate and grieve on the death of his loved one without people offering their condolences. Then the last line of the stanza, he said, bring out the coffin which suggests that he wanted to start making funeral plans. In the second stanza he wanted to let everyone know that his loved one has died and he mentioned in the first line, let aeroplane circle moaning overhead which means that he wanted everyone to join him in feeling the pain and grief he feels and that a great man had passed. In the second line he said, scribbling on the sky the message He Is Dead to acknowledge the tragic passing away of someone special in his life. Also there were inclusions of some metaphors such as crepe which suggests fragility of life and love, dove which signifies that he wants peace and traffic policemen which suggests that he wants order to prevail and justice be served. All these words were used to describe his feelings instead of using the direct feelings. The third stanza is very different from the previous two because the narrator gets personal with the readers by telling them what he meant to him. For example, in the first line he said, He was my North, my South, my East, and West. He started using a lot of commas which changes the rhythm of the poem. He slows down the pace at which he narrates and makes the readers focus on the pain he feels. There was a consistent repetition of my in the stanza because the narrator gets personal and reveals how much he hurts about the passing away of his loved one. A metaphor of compass which signified that he has lost direction in life as his beloved had died. He also talks about the times of day and days of the week that emphasises how much he had lost now he is dead. The last stanza is all about the anger and destructive character that the narrator adopts as his tone changes and he says the stars are not wanted now: put out every one; Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun. It signifies that he has lost his faith in romance. The last stanza emphasises finality because in the last line he said nothing can ever come to any good meaning he has lost faith in life and love and he has nothing to work for as it does not come to any good. THE VET The theme of The Vet is basically the unpleasant experience associated with conceiving. It is circulated around child that witnessed the birth of a baby calf. The poet tries to paint a picture in the mind of the readers of the painful procedure involved in delivering. The poet uses an Alliteration in the last stanza on the forth line gleaming, silver, sweet under the tongue.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Disaster of September 11th essays

The Disaster of September 11th essays Due to the horrendous act of violence that was brought upon our nation the past year many loyal citizens have wondered, why did this happen and what will it bring forth on to us? The explanation for this question is not easily answered and may never be, but we do know somewhat of is going on and someday hopefully we will learn the truth and solve our worst problem, terrorism. After the recent terrorist attach of September 11th there have been many question from the public about how and why such a tragedy could happen in the America, the place that most people feel is the biggest superpower of in the world. There are many reasons for this happening one such reason is the fact that most of the Third World countries are in poverty. The effect of not having enough money to meet your basic needs like food and shelter drive these people, terrorist, to become jealous of the wealth of the U.S. The U.S. has what is thought to be the best economic system; we have economic freedom and very good stability. Another reason for this attack is believed to be rapidly growing population. This means, that supplies of fertile land, pasture, firewood, and water are increasingly inadequate to meet the demand (Hammond). Since this is happening many countries are getting poorer and it is also causing ethnic tensions. Afghanistan is highly dependent on farming and raising livestock such as: sheep and goats. Since the population of Afghanistan is increasing at such a tremendous rate there is not enough room for all the people who live there and the land needed to grow crops and raise livestock. Soon they will run out of room and starvation and malnutrition will set in. Next, there is the fact of the breakdown in the government. The fact that the CIA was the only organization that took the threat from Osama bin Laden seriously (Zakaria) very freighting. During the Clinton administration the ...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Archetypes in the Count of Monte Cristo

The Count of Monte Cristo Mysterious, morose, cunning, rebellious, and even ingenious are only a few words used to describe Edmond Dantes as a Byronic Hero. A Byronic Hero is defined as a glorified but flawed character with immense superiority in his passions and powers. These heroes can be depicted in a variety of ways and contexts. Similar to a Byronic Hero, Edmond Dantes has suffered great wrongs and was betrayals. However, he emerges as a cruel and powerful man who believes he is taking the place of fate by having revenge on the men responsible for his suffering. In The Count of Monte Cristo, Alexandre Dumas skillfully uses symbolism to craft and portray Edmond Dantes as the ideal Byronic Hero. First used by Monsieur Morrel in his attempt to save the life of Dantes’s father, Dantes later uses the red silk purse when he is saving Morrel’s life and family’s honor. Right as Monsieur Morrel puts the gun to his head, Valentine runs through the door and calls out â€Å"’Father! Father! You’re saved! ’ She held up a red silk purse. ‘Look! Look! ’† (Dumas 129. ) The red purse becomes the physical symbol of the connection between good deed and reward. Morrel recognizes the purse and works out the connection between the good deed performed on his behalf and the good deed he once performed himself. Morrel concludes that Dantes must be his savior, suspecting that he is working from beyond the grave. This purse represents Dantes as a Byronic Hero because it symbolizes his own titanic passion to reward those that have done him fair and kindness. His intense drive and determination to live out his philosophy without regard to others beliefs only intensifies this immense fervor. When Dantes escapes from prison, he plunges into the ocean, experiencing a second baptism and a renewed dedication of his soul to God. Just after diving into the ocean, Dumas depicts Dantes as â€Å"†¦the best swimmer in Marseilles, and he was now anxious to rise to the surface to try his strength against the waves. To his joy he found that he had enforced inaction had not in any way impaired his strength and agility, and he felt that he could still master the element in which he had so often sported when a bay† (Dumas 80. ). Edmond Dantes can be seen as a Byronic Hero in view of the fact that the Byronic Hero does not possess heroic virtue in the usual sense; instead, he has many dark qualities. He emerges from the waters as a bitter and hateful man, bent on carrying out revenge on his enemies. He is washed in the waters that lead him to freedom and his rebirth as a transformed man is complete. The sea continues to appear in the novel even after this symbolic baptism. Byronic Heroes are often depicted as isolated from society as a wanderer or in exile of some kind. Considering himself a citizen of no land, Dantes spends much of his time on the ocean, traveling the world in his yacht. The sea seems to beckon constantly to Dantes, a skilled sailor, offering him escape and solitude. Dantes’s potion seems to have the power to both kill and to bring to life, a power that Dantes comes to rely on too strongly. The strength of the elixir is conveyed perfectly when the count states, â€Å"Only remember one thing. In small doeses it is a remedy, in large doses it is a poison! One drop will restore life as you have witnessed, five or six will inevitably kill† (Dumas 249). His overestimation of the elixir’s power results in the overestimation of his own power, his delusion that he is almost godlike. It is this misconception that ties the count to the prideful thinking and â€Å"larger than life† conduct of a Byronic Hero. The elixir is not powerful enough to bring the dead to life, just like Dantes himself is not capable of accomplishing anything of the nature. It is when Dantes realizes the limits of his potion that he realizes his own limitations as a human being. Edmond Dantes is viewed as the ideal Byronic Hero by means of Alexandre Dumas’s expertly used symbolism in The Count of Monte Cristo. The passion delivered by the red purse, the transformation caused by the baptismal waters of the ocean, and the pride and power brought by the elixir are all symbols that contribute to him being the perfect exemplar of a Byronic Hero. Because of these symbols, Edmond Dantes can be viewed and compared similarly or even superiorly to any of the Byronic Heroes if the 1800s.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Business Environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 2

Business Environment - Essay Example d because he might have certain views about China and its relationship with America that would have certainly affect his analysis and description of the facts. There is a possibility that he has viewed the entire issue from the American perspective and not as a third or neutral party. My analysis of the case study is also likely to be affected from my educational background and work experience. I have been studied and working in United States and I am a regular user of Google, Inc. I use the search engine almost every day and most of the times; I found that the research results generated from the engine are accurate and helpful. Due to this reason, I already have a soft corner for Google, Inc. that is likely to generate a favorable response for Google in my analysis of the case. However, I am aware that in order to present a credible analysis of the case, I have to put my influences and biasness at a side and have to conduct an impartial and unbiased analysis of the case. For many years I am a regular user of Google services and so far I have never been disappointed by the accuracy and facilities offered by Google, Inc. Due to this fact, I have positive views about Google however, as far as the analysis of this case is concerned, I will not make a bias analysis on the basis of my personal likeness and attachment with the company. The case basically evolved due to the problem that the Chinese government has put restraints upon the material upon certain subjects like security risk subjects, material violating principles set forth by the Chinese constitution, material against the integrity and unity of the nation, pornography, rumors or material promoting any unlawful act. Google, Inc. has done long strategic planning to launch, however their filters were not able to sensor certain material and information that has banned by the Chinese government. This issue turned in to the conflicting situation. The administration of Google, Inc. believes that the

James Booker Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

James Booker - Research Paper Example ker recognize the art of music playing like never before and although he was pretty talented himself recognition of music at such an early age made that him the musician he was at his prime. Rightfully so music influence in the life of James booker was effectively extended with a saxophone being gifted to him by his mother as a birthday present. He spent greatest of his juvenile age ashore on the Mississippi Gulf Coast, while at the place his father pastored a church. Although receiving a saxophone in in his age his talent with the instrument was somewhat modest but all the while he truly and to the best of his abilities demonstrated a resilient concern in effectively playing the keyboard. It is safe to complement that his first musicals came by performing with a mere organ in his father’s church sermons. The return to his originated birth place the city of New Orleans came in the preliminary rounds of the adolescence age, and he successfully completed his elementary schooling form the prestigious Xavier Academy Institute. He academized many particular fundamentals of the keyboard playing panache from Tuts Washington and Edward Frank. Booker illustrated to become one of the best and utmost masters of classical music and hence was paraded to play Bach and Chopin as one of his ideal composers along the way of his career. He further to such feats he correspondingly become proficient at and committed to memory the more challenging solos of Erroll Garner, and also some enhancing material by Liberace. Booker’s imperative systematic circumstantial upbringing in close to the collected works of many piano masters had fundamentally empowered him to easily and most notoriously create unique, original and conspicuous understandings, implementation and interpretation of jazz and other supp lementary American prevalent music. These recitals and performances by booker shared essentials of stride, blues, gospel and Latin keyboard flairs. Booker debuted his recordings the

Revising Messages Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Revising Messages - Assignment Example We assure you that we’ll make sure that our airline personnel become more careful next time. Kindly mail us back with a detailed list of items you lost by completing the following questionnaire, to enable us process your compensation. We apologize for making you wait for a long time; we had a lot of resumes to go through. We are however pleased to inform you that you made it to the final 10 candidates who have been shortlisted for an interview. The interview has been scheduled for June 15 at 3:00 p.m. Kindly inform us before the end of the workweek if you will be able to attend as this is our busy season. We use over a ton of paper every year out of which, much of it goes to waste creating more environmental waste. It is because of this that, beginning on Monday, white plastic bins will be placed outside the elevator on every floor to recycle the paper and minimize pollution. d. In today’s meeting, we were privileged to welcome Paul Eccelson, who reviewed the shopping cart function on our website and offered some great advice. Feel free to call for any inquiries concerning the new forms. c. Kindly call our hotline at 1-800-555-8765 to schedule an appointment with one of our knowledgeable mortgage specialists in your area, as well as ask more questions about mortgage rates, closing procedures or any other aspect of the mortgage process. Remember, we’re here to make the home-buying experience as painless as

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Obama and Romney 2012 campaigns Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Obama and Romney 2012 campaigns - Assignment Example The author states that using social media to gain attention of the general public is similar to knocking at the doors of the voters. He states that a speech that President Obama conducted in the region of Romnesia was well advertised on social media outlets including Twitter and Facebook and due to this the video of the speech was able to gain more than 0.5 million views. Furthermore, the author states that mostly after the end of the elections those who are with the losing side end up losing their appearance in the eyes of the public. But social media has helped such individuals including Richard Grenell remain relevant even after the elections. The third lesson that the author learned through the Presidential social media campaigns of 2012 was that on the internet political news regarding events and other political stories spread at a very fast pace and people are thirsty to talk politics over the internet. Furthermore, social media marketing has even benefited the candidates of third party. This is because even after the elections the candidate of the Libertarian party can continue to gain attention of the general public and remain engaged with them. The fifth point that the author noted is that it is very difficult to measure which of the political party or the candidate has an upper hand in social media at the time of the campaign. The author states that various metrics used to measure victory on social media have failed. For example, if the number of followers is taken into account to measure victory then the individual making the analysis misses the sentiments and other factors involved. Another important point to note is that social media has the ability to spread any mistakes made by the candidate during the campaign at a very fast pace. These mistakes are highlighted in quite a sarcastic manner. The seventh learning outcome of the campaigns was that the use of GIF images during debates that were used by

Financial Management in Nonprofit Organizations Essay - 1

Financial Management in Nonprofit Organizations - Essay Example The researcher found some key differences between the financial systems of both types of organizations. Those differences were mainly related to the sources of finance and its use by the organizations. The main difference that gives rise to all other differences is the motive of both organizations. The motive of the owners of for-profit organizations is to earn higher amounts of money to bring it in personal use. On the other hand, the motive of the management of not-for-profit organizations is to help people and society in resolving key issues. Such organizations get money to use it for the betterment of society. From the study, the researcher concluded that although there are some key differences between for-profit and not-for-profit organizations regarding sources and use of money, but a large number of for-profit organizations also show corporate social responsibility and spend some part of profit on social causes. The researcher also recommended the management committees of not- for-profit organizations to create and implement a proper check and balance system which should eliminate the chances of corruption by ensuring the use of money for social causes in a transparent manner. Introduction Financial management system of nonprofit organizations is generally different from that of for-profit organizations. ... In this paper, we will discuss some of the core issues regarding financial management systems of both types of organizations. The issues will include sources of funds, use of debt, and organizational objectives. We will discuss these issues in order to find some differences between working and financial systems of both types of organizations. Sources of Funds Source of funds is one of the main differences between the financial management systems of both types of organizations. Sources of funds refer to the way through which organizations get money to carryout business activities. There are different sources of funds for both types of organizations. For-Profit Organizations Private for-profit organizations get their funds in shape of profits that they get from their business activities. These organizations do businesses related to different industries and get huge figures of revenue every year. Some companies belong to construction, pharmaceutical, and garments industry, whereas some belong to other industries. Apart from receiving funds in form of profits, these companies also get funds from banks in the form of bank loans. These organizations have to pay back the loan to the banks in a given amount of time at agreed interest rates. If they do not do so, they become defaulters. However, in case of nonprofit organizations, there is no such issue because nonprofit organizations do not get loan from anywhere. For-profit organizations manage proper financial statements to know from where they have received funds and to whom they have to pay back the funds. Government organizations, on the other hand, receive funds from federal and provincial governments to run business activities. The profits are sent to the government to use for development

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Revising Messages Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Revising Messages - Assignment Example We assure you that we’ll make sure that our airline personnel become more careful next time. Kindly mail us back with a detailed list of items you lost by completing the following questionnaire, to enable us process your compensation. We apologize for making you wait for a long time; we had a lot of resumes to go through. We are however pleased to inform you that you made it to the final 10 candidates who have been shortlisted for an interview. The interview has been scheduled for June 15 at 3:00 p.m. Kindly inform us before the end of the workweek if you will be able to attend as this is our busy season. We use over a ton of paper every year out of which, much of it goes to waste creating more environmental waste. It is because of this that, beginning on Monday, white plastic bins will be placed outside the elevator on every floor to recycle the paper and minimize pollution. d. In today’s meeting, we were privileged to welcome Paul Eccelson, who reviewed the shopping cart function on our website and offered some great advice. Feel free to call for any inquiries concerning the new forms. c. Kindly call our hotline at 1-800-555-8765 to schedule an appointment with one of our knowledgeable mortgage specialists in your area, as well as ask more questions about mortgage rates, closing procedures or any other aspect of the mortgage process. Remember, we’re here to make the home-buying experience as painless as

Financial Management in Nonprofit Organizations Essay - 1

Financial Management in Nonprofit Organizations - Essay Example The researcher found some key differences between the financial systems of both types of organizations. Those differences were mainly related to the sources of finance and its use by the organizations. The main difference that gives rise to all other differences is the motive of both organizations. The motive of the owners of for-profit organizations is to earn higher amounts of money to bring it in personal use. On the other hand, the motive of the management of not-for-profit organizations is to help people and society in resolving key issues. Such organizations get money to use it for the betterment of society. From the study, the researcher concluded that although there are some key differences between for-profit and not-for-profit organizations regarding sources and use of money, but a large number of for-profit organizations also show corporate social responsibility and spend some part of profit on social causes. The researcher also recommended the management committees of not- for-profit organizations to create and implement a proper check and balance system which should eliminate the chances of corruption by ensuring the use of money for social causes in a transparent manner. Introduction Financial management system of nonprofit organizations is generally different from that of for-profit organizations. ... In this paper, we will discuss some of the core issues regarding financial management systems of both types of organizations. The issues will include sources of funds, use of debt, and organizational objectives. We will discuss these issues in order to find some differences between working and financial systems of both types of organizations. Sources of Funds Source of funds is one of the main differences between the financial management systems of both types of organizations. Sources of funds refer to the way through which organizations get money to carryout business activities. There are different sources of funds for both types of organizations. For-Profit Organizations Private for-profit organizations get their funds in shape of profits that they get from their business activities. These organizations do businesses related to different industries and get huge figures of revenue every year. Some companies belong to construction, pharmaceutical, and garments industry, whereas some belong to other industries. Apart from receiving funds in form of profits, these companies also get funds from banks in the form of bank loans. These organizations have to pay back the loan to the banks in a given amount of time at agreed interest rates. If they do not do so, they become defaulters. However, in case of nonprofit organizations, there is no such issue because nonprofit organizations do not get loan from anywhere. For-profit organizations manage proper financial statements to know from where they have received funds and to whom they have to pay back the funds. Government organizations, on the other hand, receive funds from federal and provincial governments to run business activities. The profits are sent to the government to use for development

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Global Financial Crisis of 2007-2008 Essay Example for Free

The Global Financial Crisis of 2007-2008 Essay Economists and scholars spend years dissecting financial markets and evaluating the causes of booms and busts. Throughout United States history there have been multiple economic booms that were underestimated and followed by recessions. In the situation of the 2007-2008 global financial crisis many culprits have been identified as causes, such as loose monetary policy, credit booms, deregulation, over complexity, and greed. Since the economic boom was solely dependent on weak policies and misconceptions, this leads me to believe prevention was possible with adequate regulatory policy, risk assessment and clarifications for commercial banks. Monetary Policy The Federal Reserve uses monetary policy to control the supply of money in order to determine interest rates and manipulate currency values. Markets commonly favor lower interest rates because people are able to pay less for capital. When the capital costs decline, banks and other entities are able to build up leverage for financing activities. When banks become highly leveraged they begin to take on more credit and liquidity risks without providing addition collateral. This is sometimes in reckless proportions that drive institution into possible closure and the need for bailouts (Investopedia, 2012). At the turn of the century during the infamous â€Å"dot-com bubble†, the stock market was flooded with new investors trying to take part in the newest financial craze. These investments were overestimated and premature, and as the stock market crashed high interest rates nearly crippled the economy. The Federal Reserve reacted by lowering the interest rates in order to stabilize the economy and aid in its recovery. In response, consumers, bankers and other investors took advantage of the cheaper borrowing costs and flooded the economy with capital (businessinsider, 2012). Aside from the United States, many countries’ economies behaved similarly and the global economy prospered. Cross-country borrowing and investing began to increase relative to the flow of capital. Historically cross-country capital exchanges happen at disproportionate levels and create global financial imbalances amongst countries (IMF, 2012). At this point domestic economies begin to blend and become globally dependent, increasing their vulnerability and sensitivity to market fluctuations. Housing Bubble At the start of the century the U.S. economy experienced a credit boom that was underestimated on regulatory, institutional and consumer levels. Low interest rates attracted consumers and increased the demand for asset acquisition. Real estate and other marketable assets increased in value (dailybeast, 2012). Traditionally investment bankers invested in Treasury bonds, but interest rates were so low the yields were not worth the investment. At this time there were drastic increases in home ownership and a booming market for mortgages. Investment bankers began to purchase individual mortgages as a means to acquire more debt leveraging to continue financing more mortgage purchases. These mortgages were grouped together with other comparable mortgages then they were reformed, rated and packaged as a marketable product known as a collateralized debt obligation (CDO). The CDOs had different levels of risk and returns based on the estimations of default probability (NY times, 2012). To insure their investments, investors also purchased derivative instruments known as credit default swaps (CDS). Credit defaults swaps are known as insurance contracts that protect the investor’s investments by gambling on whether a company or homeowner will default on debt obligations. The CDO and CDS markets were not new concepts, but had never experienced this level of investing in prior periods. In the past consumers generally purchased a CDS to go along with their bond or CDO investment. Since the CDS markets were facing large potential returns, external investors began to flood the market without having any principal ties. As these markets began to take hold, there was a realization of finite number of qualified homeowners (Wikipedia, 2012). Generally homeowners were required to meet certain qualifications in order to borrow funds for mortgages, also known as prime mortgages. Since the prime mortgage market had receded, lenders were encouraged to lower their requirements for lending and began to allow subprime mortgages. These less responsible homeowners began to default on their mortgages, which turned investment bankers’ stream of mortgage payments into empty houses. Increases in foreclosures raise the supply of available houses, which lowers the fair market values of houses. The prime mortgage homeowners were left with houses that were highly devalued relative to their mortgages and began to abandon their mortgage obligations. Mortgage lenders, investment bankers, and outside investors froze their activities, as they faced possible bankruptcy. Regulatory/Supervisory Inadequacies Deregulation is believed to be the underlying cause of all economic downturns, as its scope of responsibility reaches all markets. In the 1930s the United States experienced a bank crisis that sparked a widespread distrust in the banking system and people withdrew their money from the depository institutions overnight. The sudden retraction of the money supply from the economy caused many banks to close and the economy to suffer. The Banking Act of 1933, also known as the Glass-Steagall Act, was created to insure depositors’ savings and restore confidence through the limitation of bank security activities and the affiliations between commercial banks and securities firms(Wikipedia,2012). The Glass-Steagall Act was successful for many years, but grew to be disliked by the banking community. In the 1980s-90s the world experienced economic booms and recessions that fueled the banks preoccupation with regulation. The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act was enacted in 1999, this removed barriers in the market among banking companies, securities companies and insurance companies that prohibited any one institution from acting as a combination of an investment bank, commercial bank, and an insurance company(Wikipedia, 2012). This act repealed part of the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 and allowed banks to function with limited regulation. During the House of Representatives debate, Rep. John Dingell argued that the bill would result in banks becoming â€Å"too big to fail†, which will result in a bailout by the Federal government. In light of the most recent economic boom, investors demanded greater return yields from their investments. This search led many people and entities to invest in unregulated securities markets. In some securities markets there were no regulations available, because the securities were overly complex and dependent on the recently deregulated banking industry. Some examples of unregulated securities are credit default swap derivatives, collateralized debt obligations and predatory lending connected were tied to the housing bubble. This era of financial engineering and limited regulation could be the main cause for our financial crisis and its following recession. The financial crisis cost Americans trillions in investment losses, home equity declines, unemployment increases and lost wages. The broad spectrum of the global financial system is complex and involves almost everyone. It is difficult to isolate the causes of the financial crisis to a short list, but many economists and scholars commonly agree and a select few major contributors to the crisis. Whether it be deregulation, loose monetary policy, or global financial imbalances; the economy must return to some state of normalcy. In response to any mistake all participants should learn from the crisis and attempt to cultivate a plan for prevention and sustainability. References * * * * * * * * * * *

Monday, October 14, 2019

Role Of An Effective Workplace Mentor Nursing Essay

Role Of An Effective Workplace Mentor Nursing Essay The role of an effective workplace mentor is to help the mentee achieve a particular work specific goal or goals; this can be to hit a particular set target, to become competent in performing a particular task essential to their role; or something as general as improving confidence in the work environment. It is the responsibility of the workplace mentor to give help and support in a non-threatening manor; provide a positive environment that the mentee feels comfortable in and can feel encouraged to discuss their needs and circumstances openly; and to ensure confidentiality and honesty is upheld in accordance with mentoring guidelines. The role of a workplace mentor is a significant one and not all people in the workplace will be suited to. An effective workplace mentor will need to have excellent communication skills, both speaking and listening and be able to commit the necessary time to each mentee. In addition they need to remain objective, have a calm and patient demeanour, and bring a positive attitude to each session. It is important that the workplace mentor has the confidence to lead mentoring sessions and give appropriate advice and guidance tailored to the needs of the mentee. In my role as a Support worker on the Steps to Work program I act as a workplace mentor for my clients who I place in work placements with local employers for 8 or 26 weeks. I work with a wide range of clients from those who need a minimum level of guidance to those who require on-going support throughout placement. I mentor clients initially on how to perform in their placement interview, then how to perform in their particular job role and throughout on the best methods of job searching. Some clients will have lower level needs and may need mentored on getting to work on time and how to effectively communicate in the workplace. Describe developmental goals that can be met through mentoring There are a wide range of development goals that can be met through mentoring and these very much depends on the individual mentees and what they require from the sessions and what areas they need mentored on. For example one of my clients, Stephen has a learning difficulty and as a result finds job searching and applying for jobs difficult. The development goals for Stephen are to become competent at reading job advertisements in order to decide if he meets the criteria and to fill out application forms to a higher standard than he can currently. Another one of my mentees, Leah, has confidence issues and can be shy and awkward in social situations with people she does not know very well. Leahs development goal would be to gradually increase her confidence meeting new people and becoming more comfortable in her placement dealing with customers and handling queries. As part of this mentoring course I am also mentoring one of my colleagues Carla and trying to help her with some issues she has identified for development. Carla finds it hard dealing with difficult clients and clients that are a lot older than her; the development goal in this situation would be for Carla to become more confident dealing with these client groups and develop a some action points to implement. Describe the role of the mentee (person being mentored) The role of the mentee is integral to the mentoring process as without the need of mentees there would be no need for mentors. I see the role of the mentee as being two sided; one aspect is that they need mentored in by a suitable person in order to progress their development with a certain role or task. The other side of the role is that the mentee needs to be committed to the mentoring process, educate the mentor as to what exactly they need mentored on and help the mentor to understand what learning style is best to utilise. If the mentoring process is to be a success the mentee needs be open with the mentor during sessions and be willing to put into practice the advice given by the mentor; the mentee needs to be committed to achieving a positive outcome and be honest with the mentor throughout the process. Key concepts, principles and practices of mentoring Describe the similarities and differences between coaching and mentoring Coaching and mentoring are development techniques based on the use of one-to-one discussions to improve an individuals skills, knowledge or work performance. It is possible to draw differences between coaching and mentoring however in practice the two terms are often used together. The concept of Coaching is to target high performance and improvement at work and usually focuses on specific skills and goals of the individual(s) being coached, although it can potentially also have a positive effect on an individuals personal attributes such as social interaction, communication skills, motivation or confidence. The process of coaching generally lasts for a relatively short period. Although there is a lack of agreement among coaching professionals about precise definitions, the following are some generally agreed by the CIPD characteristics of coaching in organisations: It is essentially a non-directive form of development, though this is not a hard and fast rule. It focuses on improving performance and developing individuals skills. Personal issues may be discussed but the emphasis is on performance at work. Coaching activities have both organisational and individual goals. It provides people with feedback on both their strengths and their weaknesses. It is a skilled activity, which should be delivered by people who are trained to do so. Mentoring involves the use of similar models and skills of questioning, listening, clarifying and reframing associated with coaching. Traditionally, however, mentoring in the workplace has described a relationship in which a more experienced senior colleague uses their greater knowledge and understanding to support the development of a less experienced or junior colleague. In contrast to coaching arrangements, mentoring relationships tend to be longer term; mentoring relationships work best when they move beyond the directive approach of a senior colleague telling it how it is, to one where both learn from each other (CIPD). A truly effective mentoring relationship or environment between mentor and mentee should provide a learning opportunity for both parties. Mentoring Coaching Ongoing relationship that can last for a long period of time Relationship generally has a set duration More informal and meetings can take place as and when the mentee needs some advice, guidance and support Generally more structured in nature and meetings are scheduled on a regular basis More long term and takes a broader view of the person Short term (sometimes time-bounded) and focused on specific development areas/issues Mentor is usually more experienced and qualified than the client. Often a senior person in the organization who can pass on knowledge, experience and open doors to otherwise out-of-reach opportunities Coaching is generally not performed on the basis that the coach needs to have direct experience of their clients formal occupational role, unless the coaching is specific and skills-focused Focus is on career and personal development Focus is generally on development/issues at work Agenda is set by the client, with the mentor providing support and guidance to prepare them for future roles The agenda is focused on achieving specific, immediate goals Mentoring revolves more around developing the mentee professionally Coaching revolves more around specific development areas/issues  © Explain the key concepts, principles and practices of mentoring In my opinion the key concept of mentoring is to help the mentee to the best of my ability to enable them to get the best out of themselves. The key principles and practices of mentoring is to build an effective working relationship between the mentor and the mentee, to set and review smart goals, and to encourage the mentee to take ownership of the process. It is essential that the mentoring relationship is built on openness and honesty and both parties demonstrate commitment and a positive attitude throughout. The mentor should be capable of structuring the sessions towards helping the mentee achieve their goals through recognised questioning techniques and utilising mentoring models such as the Grow Model or Radar. One practice that will prove essential to the mentoring process is the establishment of a contract from the offset to which both parties have to adhere to and can be used as point of reference if things go array during a session. Own ability to use a variety of communication strategies to mentor individuals at work Assess your own ability to use a variety of interpersonal communication skills and your ability to give effective feedback to mentees on their development My role as a Support Worker on STW and the experience I have acquired from previous job roles has provided me with the opportunity to develop excellent interpersonal communication skills and enabled me to be confident and comfortable giving feedback to clients on a variety of issues. On a daily basis I communicate with clients, employers, colleagues and local govt. agencies such as the Job centre and SSA. In addition I have to review my clients monthly and deliver effective feedback on their performance in placement and after placement interviews. I feel that these skills are very transferable to the mentoring process and as a result I have felt very comfortable holding my mentoring sessions and delivering effective feedback to my mentees in order to help them achieve their goals. Identify areas for personal development I feel that through undertaking this mentoring course I have had the opportunity to evaluate myself and reflect upon my abilities not just as a mentor but also in my job role as a Support Worker on the Steps to Work program. SWOT Analysis Strengths: I feel that the areas I identified as strengths were my confidence in terms of delivering mentoring sessions, my communication skills and my ability to build a rapport with the mentees. In addition I feel that I was able to adapt well within sessions in terms of responding to the needs of the mentee as opposed to having a strict structure and following it through regardless. Weaknesses: One area I have earmarked for development is to ensure I am able to commit sufficient time to conduct mentoring session thoroughly; at times I felt as if I was squeezing the sessions into my working week as opposed to them having equal priority with my other work. One possible solution would be to ensure I plan my time more effectively and leave myself more time to prepare for and reflect after mentoring sessions. Opportunities: Having undertaken the mentoring qualification and officially conducted mentoring sessions, I see this as an opportunity to develop my own skills not just as a mentor but as a Support Worker. This experience should help me to build better working relationships with clients and colleagues and to be more insightful to the needs of others and how they may view different situations in relation to I view them. Threats: The external threats I faced when trying to deliver quality mentoring sessions were the demands of my job in terms of having the time to schedule and carry out mentoring sessions. In addition I also had to consider the impact on the mentees placement, each client has designated working hours and I needed to schedule sessions around the placement or liaise with the placement provider to get the mentee released for the session.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Essay --

The Apostolic Fathers are a group of Early Christian Authors who wrote between the end of the New Testament times and c. 150. J.B. Cotelier created the term â€Å"Apostolic Fathers† in 1672 as he designated five writers as ‘Patres aevi apostolici’, which translates to ‘Fathers of the apostolic age’. These authors didn’t come together on their own to create a group themselves, but were put together because of their writings by scholars. As a group, their writings teach us about early Christian struggles in the early second century when Christianity was still growing. These writings include The Didache, 1 Clement & 2 Clement, The Apology of Quadratus and The Epistle to Diognetus, The Shephard of Hermas, The Epistle of Barnabas, The Epistles of Ignatius of Antioch, the Epistle to the Philippians, and The Martyrdom of Polycarp. The Didache’s date and place of origin are uncertain. Researchers have narrowed it down to areas in western Syria, especially Antioch. They estimated the date to be around the first to second century. The Didache can be divided into four different parts. The first part is the Two Ways: The Way of Life and The Way of Death. The second part is describing rituals of baptisms, Christian prayers, and the Eucharist. The third part is rules on receiving wandering apostles and prophets. The fourth and final part is about electing officials such as bishops and deacons. The next is the 1 Clement and 2 Clement. 1 Clement was a letter from the Church of Rome to the Church of Corinth. Iranaeus dates 1 Clement to have been written around 95-97 AD. Although he doesn’t claim that Clement is the author, some historians name him as the author. 1 Clement was sent because the Church of Corinth had replaced its elders in office with... ... the story of his death in twenty-two chapters as a letter from the church in Smyrna to the congregation of Philomelium. â€Å"The execution of Polycarp is particularly significant in early Christian literature because of the framework that it provided for later depictions of the deaths of faithful followers of Christ† (Jefford 2005, 19). The person who witnessed Polycarp’s martyrdom was Everestus. This letter suggests that Polycarp and Jesus lead similar lives. They both prayed for the safety of their followers, hosted a final meal, and betrayed by someone close to them. The Apostolic Fathers were a group of authors that wrote about what was happening with Christianity at the time of their lives. Some authors are known, and some are still unknown to this day. All of these texts help us to learn about what early Christians went through in different parts of the world.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Low Wage Jobs and Barbara Ehrenreichs Nickel and Dimed Essay -- Pover

McDonalds, Wal-Mart, and cleaning services: all of these have one thing in common-they are all minimum wage jobs. Their pay is low and work load high, and because of this living as a low wageworker is never easy. One must handle many hardships in order to make a few meager dollars, with which most cannot sufficiently live. 'The 'living wage' in the United States is between $9-10.18; sounds great to a college student, but in the real world this kind of money just isn't going to cut it,' (Ramisch). Minimum wage standards for American workers rest at $5.15 per hour, and in such slighted fields, very few make much more than that, perhaps $6-7, but even that is a rarity. The material life of a low-income employee includes bare necessities and next to zero luxuries. These workers often live paycheck to paycheck and never have a moment to fully enjoy life because they are constantly working, supporting themselves, and/or their families. Barbara Ehrenreich tries capturing this unackn owledged side of low wageworkers in her book, Nickel and Dimed, when she goes undercover as a fellow employee. Her real life accounts are noted as accurate and shocking as she brings the severity of poverty to the forefront for many Americans (Ehrenreich 3). She portrays the lives of millions in one simple novel, and it is through this piece of literature that so many relate and feel less estranged in the overall scheme of things. This relation is especially true for three young women, Brandyll Powers, Whitney James, and Charity Pouge all of whom are forced to live on their scanty incomes in today's society. These interviewees discuss their daily struggles of living on minimum wage and how they are active representations of Ehrenreich?s novel. .. ...idden truths and in essence, portrays a minimum wage worker quite well. But for those that must live this life style on a daily basis, simply writing about their injustices will never be sufficient. Government action is the next needed step to help modify minimum wage, and the answer is clear: raise the accepted standard. However, with all the other issues in this country, when will the government finally realize it is time to take action? Works Cited Ehrenreich, Barbara. Nickel and Dimed. New York: Henry Holt, 2001. James, Whitney. Telephone Interview. 16 March 2006. Pouge, Charity. Personal Interview. 14 March 2006. Powers, Brandyll. Personal Interview. 14 March 2006. Ramisch, Claudia. ?Living on Minimum Wage.? ENGL 1302H Class Presentation, Kentucky Wesleyan College, Owensboro, KY. 13 March 2006.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Sequential Analysis of Airline Industry in Nigeria

Many wonder about the influence of product /service contents or features on business function. Why do people prefer certain airlines and not others? Some insist on KLM, while others prefer emirates  . Some choose virgin atlantic airways, while some others go for british airways. Yet many people contend that there are no significant differences among well – known airlines. The passengers’ choice may be influenced by the quality of services offered or the attractive price package, or value for money programme. Frequency, the ticket price, in-flight services, punctuality, time schedule, seat comfort and other characteristics combine to project an image to the prospective passenger. Consequently, these features are input element in a marketing programme. The aim of this study is to investigate the factors influencing choice and the extent to which customers are likely to exhibit loyalty in the face of severe price competition. This study explores the change in airline passengers’ preferences in situations where service quality improves. This study is informed by the influx of foreign airlines into Nigeria and the attendant issue of how a prospective buyer takes a decision on which airline to fly. This investigation is conceived with the objective of measuring the effect on airlines the decision variable per passenger’s preferences. The aim is to ascertain how the effect of factors influencing the choice of airline significantly improves the marketing strategies employed by these airlines. This research problem is undertaken by utilizing an approach which involves a literature review to identify key construct and a survey. The information gathered are then used in the development of a questionnaire. The key issues influencing the choice of airline are identified. In other to test the hypothesis, that ‘value for money’ acts a s key decision variable, a survey of customers is conducted using a convenient sample of respondents who have been responsible for purchasing airline tickets for themselves to undertake international travel in the prior twelve months. Respondents rate the importance of a variety of issues relating to airlines choice. A factor analysis of these items is then carried out using a varimax rotation. Under the advance exploratory analysis, a multivariate analysis of variance is therefore undertaken to analyze the impact of some of these determining factors on likelihood to fly on an airline. The analysis shows that the two top factors affecting passengers’ choice of airline are â€Å"schedule of the time† and â€Å"safety†. The actor of seat comfort is ranked fourth by the total number of passengers. The analysis of pasenger’s satisfaction tells us the quality of airline services that passengers actually received. The result shows that â€Å"seat comfort† is ranked far behind the other eight factors, indicating that the service quality that passengers received is below average. Under the choice model, the sign of price is negative implying that the passengers prefer the airline with lower ticket to that with the higher ticket fare which is identical with normal expectation. The sign of seat type is positive which indicate passengers’ actually view seat comfort as an important factor in their choice decision. The above findings show that this market segment currently lacks loyalty and is driven solely by price related features. It may therefore be necessary for airlines to undertake further investigation that allows them to develop strategies and packages that particularly target the need of this group.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Xcom100 Conflict Management Summary

Xcom/100 Introduction to communication Types of conflict There are several types of conflict. Within our reading it discussed eight different types of conflict. Interpersonal conflict is one type of conflict which is a struggle that happens when two people cannot agree upon a way to meet their needs. Construtive conflict is when there is cooperation regarding the issues and helps build tools to fix the problems at hand. Destructive conflict is the lack of cooperation in dealing with the issues and breaks up relationships forever.Pseudo conflict is just a misunderstanding a meaning of something portrayed from the opposing party involved. Simple conflict is a basic difference in ideas, definitions, perceptions, or goals. Ego conflict is a personal issue and then the parties involved start attacking the others self esteem. Serial arguments are the same arguments that occur over and over again. Irresolvable conflict is when one or both of the parties involved think that the issue is impo ssible to resolve. Every conflict has some style of management which are non-confrontational, confrontational, or cooperative.Non-confrontational style is basically when one person completely backs off avoiding the conflict all together and giving into the other party involved. Confrontational style is a win lose scenario in which one party wants control and to essentially win the argument at the expense of the other. Cooperative style is viewed as both parties want to reach an agreement and come to a solution to the problem at hand. An effective conflict should be managed and problem solving tools should be used so both parties end up in a win, win outcome. There are certain skills that help out in conflict management.Managing emotions and being able to make logical decisions about the conflict is important. Select a acceptable time and place to discuss the issue, plan your message, manage your nonverbal message, refrain from using profanity and lashing out, and last remember to us e self talk. Managing your emotions is often a struggle, but escalating the situation will never help resolve a conflict. By managing your information such as clearly describing the issue, owning your faults, listening and understanding what others say and do are also important skills. Identify what your goals are as well as your partners and see where they overlap.Both of you obviously want to obtain these goals so finding a way so both parties can achieve their goals is important. Managing the problem is an important skill to have. This enables you to be able to define and then solve the problem, think of all possible outcomes or solutions, and discuss the pros and cons of the problem at hand. My style of management is without a doubt non-confrontational. When I was reading our material this week I actually stopped reading and told my girlfriend to read this because it was definitely me. A couple of the five types of responses I can relate with.I like to distract with jokes confli ct and face the issues. I know that the problem will continue to resurface if not dealt with, but I continue to try and postpone it. Another style is called computing which I also do as I avoid emotional involvement even under pressure. I respond to emotional situations with words and phrases rather than empathy to a situation. I don’t really give in when faced with conflict although I don’t want to deal with it. I have gotten much better at managing conflict and my emotions throughout the last five or ten years because I have got help concerning these issues among others.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Advantages and Disadvantages of Outsourcing Business Functions

To start with, without any doubt, outsourcing has greatly modified the worldwide business arena. Not long before, outsourcing was just considered like a means for reducing several operational expenses. Nevertheless, since the present competition augmented and new companies also started entering the marketplace, wise companies are at present depending upon outsourcing for gaining a competitive benefit while further intensifying their worldwide spread. Outsourcing an outside corporation for handling tasks usually carried out in-house, is quite prevalent conception for many companies (Grossman and Helpman, 2002b). Procedures like payroll, logistics and bookkeeping are normally outsourced for cutting down costs and increasing effectiveness. Particularly, outsourcing the company’s functions has turned out to be highly popular over the past few years since a large number of companies have started realizing the advantages associated with this concept of outsourcing (Grossman and Help man, 2002b). Further, taking into consideration the above discussion this particular paper attempts to examine the concept of outsourcing along with several advantages and disadvantages associated with it by taking the case of Barclays Bank.   To start with, outsourcing  basically encompasses contracting a company’s process to some third-party supplier (Gilley and Rasheed, 2000). At present, the notion of "outsourcing" has become quite prevalent all around the world. Outsourcing could involve contracting out consumer support business or even IT support. The concept could even involve shifting assets along with employees from one corporation to another (Gilley and Rasheed, 2000).  In addition, outsourcing is also adopted for illustrating the process of transferring control of public provisions to some for-profit corporations (Grossman and Helpman, 2002b). Moreover, it takes in both domestic and overseas contracting  and at times includes off-shoring  or relocating an organization process to some another country as well. Gilley and Rasheed (2000) state that financial savings from lower abroad labour expenses is a major impetus for outsourcing or off-shoring. Outsourcing refers to the practice of one company co ntracting with some another company for offering facilities that might else be performed through in-house employees. Regularly the procedures that are outsourced can be performed through the company itself, nonetheless in a number of cases there are financial advantages that are an outcome of adopting outsourcing approach (Quelin and Duhamel, 2003). Further, as fraction of the continuously progressing trend, jobs like e-mail facilities, payroll and call centre  provisions are some among the highly widespread outsourced operations. These procedures are administered by separate companies that specialise in these facilities, are often located abroad and involve a low cost of labour (Gilley and Rasheed, 2000). According to Quelin and Duhamel, (2003), outsourcing can be defined as a mutual concept wherein two parties operate collectively, sharing the threats as well as incentives of a two-way association which lays emphasis on unremitting enhancement. Momme (2002) holds the view that outsourcing results in better performance due to the reason that it develops long-standing collaboration grounded upon faith among the individuals. Moreover, outsourcing means a far-reaching alteration in the manner individuals operate, taking in group work, mutual judgment making as well as collaborative acts. However, the more thorough these alterations are, the more complicated the job of executing them is expected to be. According to Gilley and Rasheed (2000), outsourcing points towards the modifications within the social structures of minimum two companies, along with the possibility for confrontation being substantial.   Initially, organizations which come to a decision to outsource do so, could be because of several reasons. One of the most important reasons is to attain cost savings or superior cost management throughout the outsourced function. Organizations generally outsource to a supplier who is an expert in a particular operation and could carry out that task more competently than the organization (Momme, 2002). The recent researches bring to light the fact that on an average, outsourcing organizations attain around 9% saving in costs and about 15% augment in volume and excellence. Moving ahead, other common basis for outsourcing is to attain headcount declines or reduce the variations in recruitment which might take place due to the alterations in demand for a good or facility. Also, organizations outsource with the intention to trim down the workload on their staff members or to put forward additional development prospects for their staff members by releasing them from monotonous tasks (Momm e, 2002). A large number of organizations go for outsourcing with the purpose to get rid of interruptions and compel themselves to lay high emphasis on their chief proficiencies. Some companies outsource in order to attain higher monetary flexibility, as the vending of resources which previously assisted an outsourced operation could perk up an organization’s  cash flow (Quelin and Duhamel, 2003).  However, a likely drawback in this interpretation is the fact that several suppliers require long-term  agreements that might lessen down flexibility. Going further, a main ground for outsourcing computer programming as well as other  IT (information technology)  operations is to attain admittance to latest expertise and outside proficiency. Several experts assert that the organizations are exposed to latest expertise through suppliers in any case, so instead the companies can simply appoint individual having the proficiency they need or are searching (Blinder, 2006). However, this is not appropriate for  small scale organizations that normally could not meet the expense of appointing computer specialists or formulate the internal expertise in order to uphold high-level expertise. At the time when such operations are outsourced, the small level organizations attain admittance to latest techniques which might aid them in competing with larger organizations. Apart from all this, politics is also considered to be a common reason for partnership sourcing. For instance, several organizations might initiate the outsourcing plan subsequent to witnessing the successful attempts of a rival. Some may be directed towards outsourcing by supervisors looking for individual gain or by a wish to get rid of bothersome divisions. Lastly, outsourcing puts forward an appealing option for start-up organizations while they develop. In such situations, outsourcing could release the industrialists from tiresome and time-taking operations, like payroll, in order to make sure that he or she could focus on the  marketing  as well as sales functions which would make possible for the company to generate money (Blinder, 2006). Besides, several advantages associated with partnership sourcing there also exists a number of possible shortcomings such as inefficient  quality management,  reduced organization trustworthiness, an extensive bid procedure and a loss of planned arrangement (Wartzman, 2010). There might also be inbuilt disadvantages for upholding definite operations internally. For instance, organization staff members might hold a superior comprehension of the market and their vested preferences might imply that they are more expected to create judgments taking into account the organization’s objectives. However, it is very important for the companies to make sure that they never outsource any operation which straightforwardly influences superiority or service.   Moving ahead, both sides must be cautious while stepping into an outsourcing agreement. Every associate must be certain that the other party is dedicated to the contract to the similar degree that they are. In case if not, the a ssociation could happen to be source consuming and would turn into just other burden on finances already going through pressure. Further, other issue related to the outsourcing might take place at the time when both sides attempts to make others to become accustomed with their manner of operating (Blinder, 2006). The customer and vendor might hold views as to how they wish to carry out their operation and in case if the other party does not agrees to these, at that time both might struggle to have the same opinion on conditions.   Advantages of outsourcing to Barclaycard include: The disadvantages of outsourcing for Barclaycard include: Thus, it is highly recommended to consider the interests of staff members and customers and then only make an informed decision.   As soon as an organization has arrived at the decision to go for outsourcing, there still exist several facets that need to be taken into consideration while developing an efficient transition and in developing a partner association along with the supplier (Wartzman, 2010). There is a sequence of steps that need to be followed by the companies. Firstly, the organization should decide what kind of outsourcing link would best satisfy its requirements. A few companies share premeditated  decision making among their suppliers, whereas others outsource just on a restricted and as-required basis. After that, the corporations require to obtain the assistance of chief recruits for the judgments associated with outsourcing. A number of firms come across disagreement from staff members who hold the view that their jobs face risk because of outsourcing. This is principally essential within companies wherein staff members are represented through  worker unions.  Moreover, during the mid-1990s, the problem of outsourcing was chief in various strikes made by the United Auto employees in opposition to American automobile producers. According to Wartzman (2010), developing a  team  comprising of outsourcing professionals, individuals from higher  management  and employees as well as the supervisors of all influenced sections of the organization, can help to deal with worker issues related to the decision. In order to uphold the faithfulness and efficiency of remaining staff members, it might also be supportive in planning programs so as to aid employees which might be dislo cated because of outsourcing. After addressing people concerns, the corporation could start getting in touch with potential suppliers, either officially or unofficially and asking particular questions regarding the facilities offered and the conditions of the agreement (Kakabadse & Kakabadse, 2000). Moreover, the supplier need to hold experience in managing alike business and must be capable of giving the customer’s wants the precedence they should be given. Going further, the organization should choose a supplier it has faith in so as to formulate an equally advantageous partner association (Blinder, 2006). It is essential for the corporation to build up tangible measures for job performance prior to stepping into a contract in addition to financial incentives in order to motivate the supplier to stick to time line and manage costs (Blinder, 2006). Further, the agreement should evidently describe accountabilities and outcome criterion, summarize privacy regulations and possession rights to fresh thoughts or knowledge and take in methods of severing the affiliation if required. As the supplier is expected to hold additional experience in formulating outsourcing contracts as compared to a small customer organization, it might also be useful to discuss with a legal representative at the time of agreement negotiations.  Ã‚   To conclude, it can be clearly stated from the above discussion that outsourcing among several other kinds of association have turn out to be a well-liked as well as an effectual means of administering organization development and putting forward for the organizations a possibility to lay high focus on their chief proficiencies. The advantages associated with outsourcing take in cost savings, cost management, augments volume, trims down the workload on their staff members, puts forward additional development prospects, helps the organizations to get rid of disruptions and enables them to focus on their chief proficiencies. Apart from a number of advantages related to partnership sourcing there also exist, various shortcomings including inefficient  quality management,  reduced organization trustworthiness, an extensive bid procedure and a loss of planned arrangement. Moving ahead, issues related to the outsourcing might also come to pass at the time when both customer and vendor attempts to make others to become accustomed with their manner of operating (Wartzman, 2010). Further, when firms decide to go for outsourcing, they must keep in mind several steps and factors so as to formulate efficient association. Blinder, A. (2006) Offshoring: The Next Industrial Revolution? Foreign Affairs, Vol. 85, No. 2, pp. 113.128 Gilley, K. M. and Rasheed, A. (2000) Making More by Doing Less: An Analysis of Outsourcing and its Effects on Firm Performance, Journal of Management, Vol. 26, No. 4, pp. 764 Grossman, G. M. and Helpman, E. (2002b) Outsourcing in a Global Economy, Princeton University Kakabadse, N. and Kakabadse, A. (2000) Critical review – Outsourcing: a paradigm shift, Journal of Management Development, Vol. 19, No. 8, pp. 668-728 Momme, J. (2002) Framework for outsourcing manufacturing: strategic and operational implications [Online], Date Accessed: 23/04/2017 Quelin, B. and Duhamel, F. (2003) Bringing Together Strategic Outsourcing and Corporate Strategy: Outsourcing Motives and Risks [Online], Date Accessed: 23/04/2017 Wartzman, R. (2010) Insourcing and Outsourcing: The Right Mix,  Bloomberg Business. End your doubt 'should I pay someone to do my dissertation by availing dissertation writing services from Advantages and Disadvantages of Outsourcing Business Functions In contemporary business, outsourcing takes the lead. This is necessitated by the fact that many business affiliation endeavors to capitalize all aspects of the progress of science, procedures, and advances to deliver satisfactory results to the client. This effect is f great significant as it necessitates concentration to advantages of focus capacities and arranged headings of activities.(Anikin and Rudaya, 2009) This prompts central lessening of expenses on the formation of the last outcome because each part wears down making it perform better without any addition contributing for adjusting new development sorts. This review concentrates on extraordinary conditions and hindrances experienced in outsourcing within banks in Kazakhstani. The discussion starts with a composed work survey of outsourcing that includes speculations and sorts of outsourcing, its central focuses, and hindrances. It will therefor expose delayed consequences of this audit, system investigation, and examination. Outsourcing is included two words sourcing implies " an exhibition of work exchange and selection of individuals to fit in certain position of work." Business communities affiliated understand that there exist individuals and organization who can deliver and perform better, speeder, smatter and give quality results. (Power, Desouza and Bonifazi, 2006) .Ashley stated that outsourcing "the undertaking of risk and duty concerning playing out a most remote indicate or affiliation another substance" (Ashley, 2008). Practically, outsourcing can be delineated as the game plan of errand occupations pariah, who can redesign, more sensible and snappier. Perpetual supply of regulator over implementation of subcontracted most remote point; subcontracting can be bound both from inside and outside sorts. Inside subcontracting is "rearrangement of purposes of repression in commercial structure aimed at saving switch completed its implementation" and external subcontracting is "strategy of accomplis hment of restricted or generally linked abilities to outside subcontractors" (Anikin and Rudaya,2009) for example, partitions of joint exercises of outside outsourcing solidify emphases thought, energized exertion, joint changing, and created effort in investment, although dissections of joint exercises of inside outsourcing wire entire arrangement relationship, at this moment collaboration, and single affiliations. Subordinate upon profitable utilization of purposes of intrigue and restructuring of risk and duty outsourcing is constrained into secluded and full outsourcing sorts. Halfway or specific outsourcing is "the endeavor of particular purposes of constringent or business techniques to outsourcer, while set of frequently related cutoff focuses are completed by association itself, and full subcontracting suggests "the assignment of discrete ability to outsourcing association with commanding it with full responsibility concerning most extreme's accomplishment (Doyle and Tapper, 2001). Outsourcing incorporates distinctive exercises, and each ponders can be portrayed by two or three structures that are installed in different hypothetical frameworks. An unimaginable bit of the reviews for outsourcing influenced by three rationalities: Resources available, Competency Approach on core values, theory of transaction. The advantage in outsourcing view works from a suggestion that connection that needs gigantic, extraordinary, exceptional and managed assets and limits, may look for an outside supplier to whipping that insufficiency (Henry A. 2008). As indicated by Perunovi? and Pedersen, the most discernible utilization of the advantage for outsourcing philosophy method is the masterminding stage for depicting the fundamental organization system and in the merchant affirmation sort out for picking a fitting broker (Perunovi? and Pedersen,2007). Affiliations will relate crevices to assets and breaking points in the savviest way to deal with keep up a particular thing and it s high ground (Urquhart,2002). The substance of the center fitness hypothesis is that it ought to be within the confinements of the organization, however, that assorted exercises that the connection supervises, which are not checked to be center or fundamental to its capacity, ought to be well-thought-out for subcontracting (Prahalad and Hamel, 2003).As appeared by Henry "a center limit can be considered as a social occasion of properties that a connection has which in this way engages it to satisfy high ground" (Henry, 2008). If the association is to concentrate on its inside aptitudes as the present of its supportable high ground, then exercises which don't constitute center health where an outside firm can be selected with lower cost. Furthermore, exchange rate concept has been made to stimulate an examination of the nearby expenses for development, changing, and watching undertaking acknowledgment under option association structures (Kay, 2005).The measure analysis consequently cost hypothesis an exchange, through outpourings of Williamson "happens when a not all that terrible or association is transferred over an imaginatively restrict interface" [16]. Pioneers upscale the time and transfer costs related to executing an exchange inside their affiliations – for sourcing versus creation and sharing costs related to working trade the outsourcing market. Affiliations can pick whether to purchase at the stores choice depends on upon the buying cost set since the expenses of period and expenses of the exchange. The hugest purpose of enthusiasm of subcontracting is focusing on motivation works out, cost speculation stores, access in comprehension, improve execution, and flexibility. To begin with, various researchers agree in transit that by giving over noncore activities to a confined in untouchable, an association can concentrate on activities essential to its key offer and addition its forceful arranging (Fan, Ramachandran, Wu and Yue,.2006) Second, outsourcing, all things considered, is held toward one of the guideline targets as cost speculation reserves (Liao and Reategui,2002).The remarkable necessity arises when a particular resource, either human or apparatus resources, is not required full time, or the attempts to get the advantage can't be guarded. For instance, for a medium-gage business keeping particular fitness and support is required from time to time. Since the cost of enlisting and setting up a fashioner who is capable in PC sustenance is too high, it will be helpful for th e relationship to subcontract this attempt. Third, by outsourcing affiliations have the likelihood to contact to particularly qualified workforce, which might not be interested in the customer alliance and thoroughly abuse the providers' hypotheses, degrees of progress, and pro limits Fourth, a fundamental explanation for outsourcing accepted is achievement of an adjustment in completing the subcontractor affiliation may offer thus of benefits of operating to a grand scale. The inconceivable level can give an assortment of points of confinement and openings which will spare the best accessible expert, who won't have any desire to work in a less captivating customer condition. Also, with master groups, the level of effective involvement is relied on to be advanced, as a result of the more critical social event of staff on assignments when showed up distinctively in connection to inward operations.Fifth, adaptability is the key elucidation behind outsourcing for a couple of affiliatio ns. Outsourcers' understandings and the professions of their experts rely on upon the level of flexibility to commercial change conditions. A central weight to outsourcing is honest to goodness loss of mechanism over procedures, safety hazard, and enigma, quality issues, reallocation of costs in existing social events. Notwithstanding, burden related to the loss of control over the outsourced operations starts from the reason that administering outside resources requires extraordinary points of confinement which is a blend of the aptitudes of individuals and procedure affiliation, contract affiliation, and power approach. Second, in each useful sense, each outsourcing contract has terms of security and plan clarified, however, the execution and study are continually troublesome. In genuine cash related affiliations, necessities keep information known to hypothesis banks far from vendors, specialists, and collection of diverse individuals who intend to use the inside information despicably (Jiang, Klein, Tesch D and Chen,2003) Third, one motivation to outsource is the yearning of getting favored association from the outso urcer over from inside staff. The subcontractor must be selected in a certain model to manage affirmation that there is no frightful impact in transit of things and attempts passed on. Something else, affiliation may free its position open.Fourth, the affiliation will agree to a course of action with the subcontracting affiliation that will cover the straightforward segments of the association that they will give. Anything not shrouded in the understanding will be the clarification behind the relationship to pay an extra cost. For instance, an overseer may purposefully forbid costs to bolster one decision, for example, picking one provider versus another, selecting in-sourcing instead outsourcing, or staying in a particular commercial or not (Liao and Reategui, 2002) Fifth, the outsourcing is dependably related to the culmination in masters' brains. It is equivalently an issue for the affiliation's top association social occasion to pick how to change the present workforces. As spec ified by Bragg, affirming such a fundamental transformation and seeing it missed the mark can provoke end of no less than one of an association's organization staff. Criticalness of this investigation is in examining condition of subcontracting mechanisms for banks Kazakhstan. Notwithstanding the way for outsourcing ended up being to a significant degree pervasive subject among coherent works ever all over the world examination for outsourcing practices in Kazakhstan in dealing with a record industry of the Republic. Also, furthermore outsourcings transformed into a systematical consider for a heavy part of masters, it started to deal with various qualities affiliations can be unmistakable. Outsourcing being broad aligned and cleaned about any business hover, like this; it must be viewed as parts shown by specialists, who look at outsourcing wonders, are correlated. In this way, the objective of this examination is to recognize certified central focuses and shortcomings of outsourcing by focusing on points of interest grabbed, and risks stood up to particularly banks in Kazakhstan. Growing outsourcing information by keeping cash and not too bad contender for this survey, trial of this examination includes three banks working in banks. For performing honest to goodness look into it is imperative to pick change to analyze system that will give information gathered that is related to research Every close meeting with top head of associations was chosen as the method for rhythmic movement asks about. The principal favored angle of versus meeting, where one can modify the request as primary and assurance that the responses are genuinely grasped by repeating or reevaluating the application. Consequently, Respondents are guided by summary of meeting subjects in the main segments of this audit. There was no inclination issue from driving respondents to focus only things on the once-over in light of the way that the once-over during the meeting. Respondents were permitted to look at untouched. The meeting was driven in Russian lingo and meeting time was changing long ho urs. Patron suggests that eye to eye converse with it is perfect for examination in an impartial way. Worldwide HSBC Kazakhstan adequately works in broad framework wherever across the globe Kazakhstan illustrative of HSBC Group is incorporated to be little relationship with other neighborhood banks. Like this, its subcontracting mechanisms principally stream out from confined resources. Being a merger of two banks its obliged as of late surrounded bank to outsource get ready concentration Alem Card LLP, in light of the way that making and keeping up taking care of structure of its particular forces is uncommonly exorbitant to banks. Furthermore, Halyk Bank works with regulatory foundations, and a number of clients is extraordinarily higher. Along these lines, Halyk Bank is constrained to search for outsourcing outcast pro communities to guarantee constant change in execution to clients. As indicated by examinations of subcontracting magnitude and sorts, outsourcing rehearses in banks. Both organizations are encountering an outsourcing breaking point of "segment cards managing" which is genuinely a champion among the most costly cutoff points among the managing a record operations, and in this way, it requires entire arrangement (8-12 years) and unchanging association among bank and outsourcer. Both BTA Bank and Halyk Bank are outsourcing "most systems" and "all things considered fulfilled" which can be appeared by the detail of outsourced farthest point and with the way that part cards were dealing with can't be allotted not so much. Propel, examinations uncover that equally, BTA Bank and Halyk Bank are improving "inside outsourcing." The illumination behind this is the way that the level of control over execution of arranging concentrates especially impacts implementation of the bank in entirety. Additionally, the rate at which the HSBC regulates outsourcing is les s, and in this effect, the outsourcing is, therefore ‘’outside’’. The clarification behind this is traverse of outsourcing associations has at this very moment character (1-3 years) and only "a couple of support and dealing with a record frames outsourced." Additionally, the inspiration driving why HSBC Bank is using "deficient outsourcing" gives off an impression of being sound due to the traverse of outsourced limits. If when only "a couple of systems outsourced" and they needn't trouble with unusual condition of switch over execution, complete subcontracting with disengaging entire organization handle with reorganization of threats and commitments is unrealistic. Outsourcing twisted up observably a champion among the most generally utilized contemporary business rehearses. Regardless, it has both motivations behind interest and put-down. While attractiveness of labor in which affiliation works and centers that it sets deviations, subcontracting can comparatively modify and pass on purposes of intrigue or dangers to customer membership. From our examinations, clearly, practices for outsourcing are not comparable in all relationship, this particular advancement considered for real money related companies. Two or three outcomes can be taken from this work. On the off chance that an affiliation is practically nothing and has obliged assets, then it desires to subcontract. In any case, subcontracting rehearses can't accreditation such fundamental favored perspective as cost lessening seen in many banks Anikin BA, Rudaya IL. 2009, Outsourcing and outstaffing: high technologies of management. Moscow:Infra-M. Anikin BA, Rudaya IL. 2009, Outsourcing and outstaffing: high technologies of management. Moscow:Infra-M;. Ashley E. 2008,Outsourcing for dummies. New Jersey: Wiley Publishing;.   Doyle C, Tapper D. 2001.Evaluating the benefits of IT outsourcing. An IDC White Paper Fan LL, Ramachandran S, Wu YH, Yue ZN.2006, Outsourcing in business. Henry A. 2008, Understanding strategic management. Oxford University Press.   Henry A. 2008, Understanding strategic management.Oxford University Press. Jiang J J, Klein G, Tesch D, Chen HG. 2003,Closing the user and provider service quality gap. Communications of the ACM; 46; 72–76. Kay N. 2005, Coase, The nature of the firm and the principles of marginal analysis. University of Strathclyde. Liao KG, Reategui LA. 2002, Information technology outsourcing in emerging markets. Massachusetts institute of technology Liao KG, Reategui LA. 2002, Information technology outsourcing in emerging markets, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Perunovi? Z, Pedersen JL. 2007, Outsourcing process and theories. POMS 18th Annual Conference. Power MJ, Desouza KC, Bonifazi C. 2006. The outsourcing handbook: how to implement a successful outsourcing process. Kogan Page Limited. Prahalad CK, Hamel G. 2003, the core competence of the corporation. Harvard Business Review 3; 79-93.   Urquhart C. 2002, Applications of outsourcing theory to collaborative purchasing and licensing. Aberystwyth: University of Wales.   Urquhart C. 2002.   Applications of outsourcing theory to collaborative purchasing and licensing. Aberystwyth: University of Wales Advantages And Disadvantages Of Outsourcing Business Functions This research report has been conducted on the topic â€Å"Advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing business functions†. This research program will discuss the concept of outsourcing which is being used by businesses for enhancing their effectiveness and reducing the workload. Outsourcing is used by the businesses for enhancing their performance as well as focusing on the important activities or operations of the business. It will also discuss the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing to the business. Different methods and techniques will be applied to the collection of data. These methods and techniques will be discussed in this research report. Objectives are set for identification of the goals which need to be adopted from the execution of the activity or series of activities. This research report has been conducted with a motive to collect data related to the various advantages and disadvantages associated with the use of outsourcing to the business. Knowledge will be developed of the concept of outsourcing and its importance for the business. Various articles, journals and internet sources will be used for developing knowledge regarding the research topic. The scope defines the boundaries of the research and aspects which will be covered in this research report. Outsourcing is widely used by the businesses for enhancing the performance of the business. This research report will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing. Various research methods or techniques will be put to use for gathering information related to the research topic. An action plan will be prepared for conducting the research project as per the plans. Outsourcing is an important aspect of the dynamic business environment as there has been a rise in the use of this concept. Businesses are enrolling in outsourcing for ensuring that the operations of the business are performed in an effective manner. Outsourcing has contributed towards the attainment of the objectives of the business. The main objective behind the use of outsourcing is to manage the time by focusing on the crucial aspects of the business. Globalisation has promoted the concept of outsourcing. Previously outsourcing was used for cost cutting but with the change in the business environment, outsourcing has been used for enhancing the performance and focusing on the important activities of the business. For operating in an effective manner in the dynamic business environment, it is vital to adopt effective strategies. Different authors have presented different views for outsourcing which have been discussed in this research project (Sturgeon & Gereffi, 2011). The term outsourcing can be defined as the use of outside resources for the purpose of execution of the operations of the business by handling the operations to outside company or third agency. Businesses are using outsourcing for the purpose of enhancing the performance of the business, reducing the cost, time and efforts, enhancing the effectiveness of important functions of the business and increase the productivity of the business (Tayauova, 2012). There are few disadvantages associated with the use of outsourcing. These disadvantages of using outsourcing include an increase in the cost, lack of proper infrastructure facilities, lack of support on the part of the government, depletion in the quality of the products or services outsourced, the threat of leakage of the confidential information of the business and lack of control on the operations. Focus on the business while taking outsourcing decision is on quality of the services, confidentiality, and control on the operations ou tsourced. Companies are considering outsourcing for reducing the legal and financial obligations which are contributing to the cost of the business (Mirza, 2012). Different factors are responsible for determining the decision of outsourcing. Businesses are analyzing different aspects related to outsourcing for drawing a decision. Different functions or operations of the business are being outsourced by the businesses for enhancing the effectiveness and focusing on the important functions of the business. There has been a fast increase in the use of outsourcing. The concept of outsourcing includes appointing the third party for the purpose of performing or executing the operation of the business. Companies are using outsourcing for encouraging the chances of success and growth as well as gaining a competitive advantage over the others in the industry. Private and public organizations both are using outsourcing for enhancing their performance (Galetic, et. al., 2011). Research questions are formulated for forming a base for the data collection process. Research questions are mentioned below: Research methodologies cover different methods or techniques which are applied for the collection of data related to the research topic. This research project has discussed the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing to the business. Information has been collected for gaining knowledge of the aspects related to the research topic. These methods or techniques are mentioned below: Research method: It is vital to execute the research program in an effective manner and for this purpose there is a need to gather quality data which will enhance the quality of the research program. Qualitative research method will be used for collecting data for the research project. Qualitative research method will help in collecting quality data by collecting primary and secondary data (Crossman, 2017). Use of primary and secondary sources of data will contribute towards the attainment of the objectives of the research project. Research questions will be used for collecting primary as well as secondary sources of data. Qualitative research method will help in collecting information related to the behavior patterns, data related to needs of the users and human experience (Quick & Hall, 2015). Research approaches: Qualitative research approach will be applied for the collection of quality data related to the research program. A qualitative approach is an effective approach which will help in collecting quality data. The qualitative approach provides quality data which helps in enhancing the knowledge related to the reasons, opinions and different aspects related to the research topic (Crossman, 2017). Primary and secondary sources of data collection sum up qualitative approach which forms a base for the reliability and authenticity of the research project. The questionnaire will be prepared and distributed among the employees for collecting information. Different journals, articles and internet sources will be used for collecting secondary source of information (Thomas, 2015). Data collection: Data collection is an important aspect which ensures that the research is being executed in a proper manner. Quality data can be collected with the application of primary and secondary sources of data collection. This data will help in the completion of the research project in a successful manner. Primary data can be understood as the raw data which a researcher directly collects from the respondents for gaining understanding (Smith, 2015). Primary sources are used for collecting first-hand information. The questionnaire will be used for collecting raw form of data directly from the respondents.   Secondary data can be explained as the second-hand information which other researchers have collected for performing their researches (Johnston, 2014). This form of data ensures that reliable data is presented for enhancing the quality of the research project. For the collection of secondary data, journal articles and internet sources will be used. Data will be collected which is of after 2010. This is done for ensuring that the updated or current data is presented in the research (Turkenburg & McAuley, 2013). Procedure and technique: time has acted as a limitation in this research. Due to lack of availability of time, random sampling technique will be applied in this research program. Random sampling will help in the analysis and interpretation of the data in a better manner within the limited timeframe. Random sampling technique is a sampling technique which provides equal chances of being selected to every sample of the population (Nishad & Sankar, 2016). Strategy: a strategy needs to be adopted for the purpose of conducting the research in an effective manner. This strategy ensures that the research is conducted properly and covering every aspect. For the execution of this research program, systematic approach will be used. This systematic approach will ensure that the research is covering every aspect of the research by ensuring that nothing important has been left out. Different activities of the research will be conducted in a sequence and an action plan has been prepared for conducting the research in a sequence (Nirmala, 2013). Targeted market: target market is set for identification of the source from where information related to the research project is to be collected. Primary and secondary sources of data collected have been selected for collecting information. Primary data will be collected from the employees working in international organizations. This information will help in forming a view related to the research. Secondary data will be collected from the internet sources, newspapers, books and articles. Choice: Different alternatives have been analyzed for the purpose of selection of the most suitable or appropriate alternative for conducting this research project. Ethical consideration: ethical aspects help in the identification of right and wrong. This research project has been conducted by following the values and principles for conducting the research within the ethical boundaries. Confidentiality will be maintained for protecting the confidential information of the respondents. Presentation of data will be done in fair manner for ensuring that fair views of the respondents have been presented. Few limitations have been identified which have acted as issues for this research project. Dealing with these limitations in an effective manner is required for the execution of the research program properly. Time available for the execution of this research was limited. For coping with this limitation, random sampling technique has been used. Lack of resources is another limitation which affects the execution process of this research program. For the completion of the research program in a successful manner, different resources need to be applied or used. Lack of access to data also affected the data collection process of this research program. Deciding the topic for the research Decision will be made regarding the selection of the research topic. Plans will be formulated for preparing guidelines for the execution of the research program. Implementation of the plan will be done as per the plans formulated. This phase of the research project include collection of data with the application of primary and secondary sources of data collection. The analysis will be done on the collected data for forming the basis for conclusion and recommendations. Interpretation of the collected data Analysed data will be used for interpretation of the results. The conclusion will be based on the analyzed and interpreted data and recommendations will be provided. Thus, from the aspects discussed above, it can be concluded that the role and importance of outsourcing is increasing in this dynamic business environment. There are various aspects which are responsible for the increasing use of this concept. This report has discussed these aspects along with the aspects affecting the performance of the business adversely. This report has discussed a summary of the literature review as well as different methods or techniques for the collection of data related to the research topic. Limitations have been discussed in this report which could have affected the execution process of this research project. Crossman, A., 2017, â€Å"An Overview of Qualitative Research Methods†, ThoughtCo. Fita, M., 2012, â€Å"6 Reasons Why Social Networking is So Popular These Days†, Brandiginity. Galetic, L., Aleksic, A. & Klindzic, M., 2011, â€Å"Outsourcing and Downsizing As Modern Organizational Trends in Croatian Companies†, The Business Review, Cambridge, Vol. 17, Number 1. Johnston, M. P., 2014, â€Å"Secondary Data Analysis: A Method of which the Time Has Come†, Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries, pp. 619 –626. Mirza, A. A., 2012, â€Å"The Impacts of Outsourcing on the organisation and economy- A critical Look on Ericsson Transformation Planning Outsourced to India†, Blekinge Institute of Technology. Nirmala, Y., 2013, â€Å"Chapter four: research design†, Language in India, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 102. Nishad, P.M. & Sankar, S., 2016, â€Å"Efficient random sampling statistical method to improve big data compression ratio and pattern matching techniques for compressed data†, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, vol. 14, no. 6, pp. 179. Quick, J. & Hall, S., 2015, â€Å"Part three: The quantitative approach†, Journal of perioperative practice, vol. 25, no. 10, pp. 192 Smith, N.L., 2015, â€Å"Using Action Design Research to Research and Develop Evaluation Practice†, New Directions for Evaluation, vol. 2015, no. 148, pp. 57-72. Sturgeon, T. & Gereffi, G., 2011, â€Å"Measuring Success in the Global Economy: International Trade, Industrial Upgrading, and Business Function Outsourcing in Global Value Chains†,  Survey of Current Business, 91(2), pp.33–59, 61–66. Tayauova, G., 2012, â€Å"Advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing: analysis of outsourcing practices of Kazakhstan banks†, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, pp. 188 – 195. Thomas, J. A., 2015, â€Å"Using unstructured diaries for primary data collection†, Nurse researcher, vol. 22, no. 5, pp. 25. Turkenburg, J. P. & McAuley, K. E., 2013, â€Å"Data collection and processing†, Acta Crystallographica Section D, vol. 69, no. 7, pp. 1193-1194. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Outsourcing Business Functions Discuss About The Advantages Outsourcing Business Functions? Outsourcing of the business functions is among the effective actions in the contemporary businesses, given that many organization will attempt to utilize each one of these enhancements of technology, techniques as well as technologies to provide competent and competitive products which will gratify the customers (Alonso, Clifton and Dà ­az-Fuentes, 2015). This predicament is usable to both partners required, given that each could concentrate on their resources to build the core competencies and prospective directions of the activity. This could result in the decrease of the costs on the production of the final product since every part function on it, through its ideal without using off the additional effort along with investing for the understanding of the new activity (Alonso, Clifton and Dà ­az-Fuentes, 2015). In this study it focuses on the advantages and the disadvantages of outsourcing the business functions. The purpose of this research is to provide an insight and a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing of the business functions (Carnahan and Somaya, 2013). The study evaluate on whether the advantages expected from outsourcing maintenance activities are more than the associated disadvantages. This research has focused on the advantages and the disadvantages of the outsourcing business functions. The research will provide the reader to a much clearer understanding on the issue of outsourcing of the business functions. Definition of the outsourcing: according to power et al. outsourcing consists of two terms that are out and sourcing that describes â€Å"the act of transferring of the work, obligations and decision rights to someone else’’ (Carnahan and Somaya, 2013). Organization need to source out work given that still others who could get it done much cheaper, quicker as well as much better. In the right context and the deployed shrewdly, outsourcing of the business function could be a god way for the organization to improve on the efficiencies and bolter on the bottom line. The following are some of the advantages of outsourcing of the business function. Streamline of the cost of business: The primary cause that explains why the business outsource the company function would be to decrease on their cost of the procedures. Outsourcing lowers on the cost through capitalising the comparative benefits along with economies of scale which is common in the sectors (Chen, Hong, Jiang and Kubik, 2013). It is often expected that outsourcing can conservatively generate twenty percent saving on the cost to the enterprise operations (Carnahan and Somaya, 2013). This may be due to that outsourcing has a comparative cost benefit on the labor. Improvement of the business flexibility: as a result of outsourcing of the business functions, organization could enhance their services via taking the benefit of the time zone differentials. Focus on the core business: the outsourcing of the business enterprise functions allows organization to concentrate on their know-how along with the central business (Chen, Hong, Jiang and Kubik, 2013). Whenever a busi ness go outside their expertise, they enter into the business functions and the procedures which they might not have the expertise relating to and could possibly take away from the primary focus (Creon, Grover and Teng, 2017). An illustration, on this is when a grocery store choose in introducing the florist to their operation. Should there be too much concentrate on the section of the company they lose the focus to their primary business that is the grocery. Enhanced quality: This may be accomplished by using the vendors that have much more understanding so they have specialized procedures. Certainly this may be trough contracting out a cleaning program (Chen, Hong, Jiang and Kubik, 2013). An outside service might have the resources for employing, appropriate training in addition to facility inspections that could have never been offered in the event that these types of features were kept in the house. Focus: certain business could opt to outsource on their enterprise functions to be able to get rid of the disruptions in addition to force themselves to focus on their core competencies. This might be attractive advantageous especially to the start-up firms (Creon, Grover and Teng, 2017). Outsourcing has the capacity to free the entrepreneur from the cumbersome as well as the time intensive duties, for instance the payroll, to ensure that one can possibly focus on the sales along with the marketing actions which are most suitable to the business especially in the long run development and also success of the business (Gonzalez, Llopis and Gasco, 2013). The things get done quickly. The business has a tendency to outsource the functions since it get the work performed much quicker. In the event an enterprise continues to be working with the limited number of the staff members, you may get things completed whole faster by passing time consuming activity to the freelancer or maybe the external businesses. Furthermore, organization will continue to work around the clock (Gonzalez, Llopis and Gasco, 2013). This really is a major benefit of outsourcing the digital work overseas which will be a substantial difference to encounter in times of the time zones and the holidays. Higher customer satisfaction scores: The seller agreements usually guarantee a given level of the quality as well as service which could be harder to handle in house. An example, is an employee who has been called in sick, it is looking to the responsibility of the sellers in complying with the replacement to the contractual agreement. The business competitive advantage through outsourcing the functions. It could bring the flexibility to a business, by turning on the fixed costs into the variable costs as well as freeing up the capital (Gonzalez, Llopis and Gasco, 2013). Moreover, outsourcing could offer the business the edge especially when adapting to change the market conditions. Additionally, through outsourcing of the business functions it has been found that it can free the business to focus on its strengths (Gonzalez, Llopis and Gasco, 2013). This can be beneficial to the business hence allowing the employees to concentrate on the main duties and on the future strategies. Increase of the productivity:   outsourcing of the business functions have been found to increase of the productivity especially through delegating of the functions which are not in your business core competencies (Willcocks and Cullen, 2013). This will enable the business to increase on the complete advantages and generate an increased return on the productivity. The risk sharing: certainly one of important facet of determing the outcome of the campaign is the risk analysis. Outsourcing numerous business function parts could assist the business to shift particular responsibilities to the outsourced vendor (Rochester and Rochester, 1995). Given that the vendor who is outsourced is a specialist, they could anticipate the risk mitigating element significantly better. Cost saving: cost saving can be an important aspect of outsourcing the business functions. The cost saving could offset, setup or the production costs which are associated to the office space (Creon, Grover and Teng, 2017). These savings frees up the resources which could be used for other functions in the business. Loss of the managerial control: when an organization sign on an agreement to have another company execute the function of a division or a particular task, you are transforming both the administration and the control of that function over to the other business (Willcocks and Cullen, 2013). You should have an agreement, but the managerial control might remain in an additional organization. The company which you are outsourcing the solutions will never be related to the similar specifications along with the mission which drives your enterprise (Caruth, Haden and Caruth, 2013). They will be driven to making of the profit from the solutions which they are providing to you in addition to the other business like yours. Hidden expenses: the business would probably sign an agreement with the outsourcing firm that they might cover the particulars of services which they might be offering. Anything that is not offered in the contract could be the basis for extra charges (Liu and Wang, 2014). F urthermore, it is possible to experience the legal fees to be able to maintain legal representation to evaluate the agreements which you will sign. Lack of confidentiality: This is one of the primary issue with outsource the business function. The business needs to forego some form of privacy over their primary business secrets (Liu and Wang, 2014). Furthermore, the company must pass certain data such as the login details, the customer information along with the critical information of the processes of the business and safety measures that are undertaken, to permit the outsourcing firm to implement on the task in hand (Liu and Wang, 2014). Furthermore, the outsourcing organization will also be analysed for their internal security procedures which might result to data risk which can be stolen or even a fraud might be committed which leads to the loss of reputation along with the confidence of the client. This risk is high especially in which the financial data continues to be handl ed for example the banking information or maybe the credit. Poor customer experience: an actual and practical danger of the disadvantage of outsourcing on the business function is the loss in the customer assurance. There is developing variety of the businesses that are looking to offshore are meant to the foreign staff at a cost that could be a portion to exactly what the native employees gets (Caruth, Haden and Caruth, 2013). Even with the extensive training acquired, it has been determined that the customers possess poor experiences particularly when they are speaking with the foreign English speaking specialists. This might result in confusion along with misconception. Decrease of quality: the quality could acts as each a benefit along with a disadvantage within this discussion. The outsourced enterprise features, unless there is certainly a stiff quality check in place, they are able to quickly lessen on the advantages which a business initially saw in the whole idea of the outsourcing (Liu and Wang, 2014). Since all the outsourcing contracts have been drawn up in advance and there is not much room especially to the leveraging of the price, outsourcing company might resort to less than legal techniques to permit them generate an income. Risk of the conflict of interest:   before an organization sign on the outsourcing agreement, it is important to keep in mind that the service provider could currently be managing similar account or even the competitor’s ones (Liu and Wang, 2014). An outsourcing service provider will aim at handling many customer as possibly can. It may be difficult to know who their client are even after an extensive research and due diligence has been made (Gobble, 2013). The service providers are bound to other non-disclosure agreement with the other clients. One cannot compel them to disclose whether they are managing the other competitors. This can pose a risk to the business which could lead being used by the competitor (Schniederjans, Schniederjans and Schniederjans, 2015). Any data that is given to the service provider it could be used against the business one way or another without having knowledge of it (Gobble, 2013). Risk of exposure to the confidential data:   trust can become one of the major issue when outsourcing services since the arrangement entails sharing of the information which is confidential (Gobble, 2013). The non-Disclosure agreements are some of the usual set of the document that are used for enforcing it and they can become logistical inconvenience. A bad publicity and the ill-will: The word outsourcing could bring to mind various thing to different individuals. In case one lives in a community that has an outsourcing organization and they employ ones friends and neighbors, outsourcing is good (Kotlarsky, Scarbrough and Oshri, 2014). In case these individuals lost their jobs since they have been shipped across the state or across the world, outsourcing could bring a bad reputation. If the business outsource their operations, morale could suffer from the remaining workforce. Language limitations: In the event that the client call center is outsourced to another country which converse a complete different language, there could possibly be levels of the discontent for clients dealing with the language barriers of someone who has distinct accent (Kotlarsky, Scarbrough and Oshri, 2014). Organizational knowledge: a worker who may have recently been outsourced might not have the same comprehending and enthusiasm for the business as comparison to the regular employee (Dolgui and Proth, 2013). There may be the potential that an outsourced staff member would interact with the client compared with being as knowledgeable of the business which may result to the negative client experience. Legal compliance and security: it is critical that problems in relation to the legal compliance along with security are handled in a formal documentation. The processes that are outsourced needs to be managed to be able to make sure that there is diligence with the legal confor mity along with the system security (Dolgui and Proth, 2013). An illustration might be the information technology function and having an outsourced staff utilize their access to the confidential customer data for their very own gains. Staff layoffs: outsourcing usually lead to the need to the decrease in the degree of the staff. Except if it might be organized via attrition, layoffs are unavoidable (Wuyts, Rindfleisch and Citrin, 2015). This is very difficult at the best and if this is not handled well, it could have an adverse impact on the remaining staff (Dolgui and Proth, 2013). Additionally, when an organization is researching vendors to outsource it is important to reflect on your particular requirements and get at least three requests for the proposal to make sure that the enterprise is getting the best value for their money . Outsourcing of the business functions has become one of the widely used contemporary business practices. However, it has both benefits and drawbacks.   While the character of the work in which the organization operates and aims that it set could change, outsourcing could change on as well as bring both benefits and risk to the client organization. From the analysis discussed above on the benefits and drawback of the outsourcing, it is obvious that the practices of outsourcing the business functions are not similar to all the organization. Several aspect can be learnt from this literature. If a company is small and has limited resources, then they need to outsource. Nonetheless, it is important to note that the outsourcing activities cannot always ensure that common benefits such as the cost reduction are achieved. Alonso, J.M., Clifton, J. and Dà ­az-Fuentes, D., 2015. Did new public management matter? An empirical analysis of the outsourcing and decentralization effects on public sector size. Public Management Review, 17(5), pp.643-660. Carnahan, S. and Somaya, D., 2013. Alumni effects and relational advantage: the impact on outsourcing when a buyer hires employees from a supplier's competitors. Academy of Management Journal, 56(6), pp.1578-1600. Caruth, D.L., Haden, S.S.P. and Caruth, G.D., 2013. Critical factors in human resource outsourcing. Journal of Management Research, 13(3), p.1. Chen, J., Hong, H., Jiang, W. and Kubik, J.D., 2013. Outsourcing mutual fund management: firm boundaries, incentives, and performance. The Journal of Finance, 68(2), pp.523-558. Creon, M.J., Grover, V. and Teng, J.T., 2017. Theoretical Perspectives on the Outsourcing of Information Systems. In Outsourcing and Offshoring Business Services (pp. 25-52). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. Dolgui, A. and Proth, J.M., 2013. Outsourcing: definitions and analysis. International Journal of Production Research, 51(23-24), pp.6769-6777. Gobble, M.M., 2013. Outsourcing innovation. Research-Technology Management, 56(4), pp.64-67. Gonzalez, R., Llopis, J. and Gasco, J., 2013. Information systems offshore outsourcing: managerial conclusions from academic research. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 9(2), pp.229-259. Kotlarsky, J., Scarbrough, H. and Oshri, I., 2014. Coordinating expertise across knowledge boundaries in offshore-outsourcing projects: The role of codification. Management Information Systems Quarterly, 38(2), pp.607-627. Liu, S. and Wang, L., 2014. Understanding the impact of risks on performance in internal and outsourced information technology projects: The role of strategic importance. International Journal of Project Management, 32(8), pp.1494-1510. Rochester, J.H. and Rochester, H., 1995, September. Advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing. In Professional Communication Conference, 1995. IPCC'95 Proceedings. Smooth sailing to the Future., IEEE International (pp. 77-82). IEEE. Schniederjans, M.J., Schniederjans, A.M. and Schniederjans, D.G., 2015. Outsourcing and insourcing in an international context. Routledge. Willcocks, L. and Cullen, S., 2013. Intelligent IT outsourcing. Routledge. Wuyts, S., Rindfleisch, A. and Citrin, A., 2015. Outsourcing customer support: The role of provider customer focus. Journal of Operations Management, 35, pp.40-55.